building a chicken tractor....

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Dec 20, 2010
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DSC03036.JPGDSC03040.JPGDSC03041.JPGDSC03039.JPGDSC03035.JPGDSC03025.JPGDSC03049.JPGKinda think I should have ran out to lumberyard and bought lumber, instead... I guess recuting is a from of recycling...
OH, I built the coop, am working on the run, and just need to get the geometry for the wheels

I dug out the chicken wire....
anyways, I have to get the run framed and the wheels on so I can get it out my front yard...
I'm building a chicken tractor as well. It's sitting in pieces in my yard. 3 8x8 frames. The supports. Nothing really put together. Hmmm...

Best of luck finishing the project.
Oh, well, I'll have to work on those, right now I'm having trouble with the wheels popping out when they aren't supposed to
so... I have to decide if I'm going to try to find a fix, or just tie them down when I move it, really leaning to the tie down, saves alot of hassle...

Anywho, off to reinforce it and cover it in wire, and then the 5 cheeks are going OUTSIDE
If the ground is fairly flat, you might try putting it on skis instead of wheels.
Huh... hadn't thought of it... well, the tires are now a bolt on/off operation will be posting pics, not right nows<br /><br />__________ Sat May 25, 2013 8:51 pm __________<br /><br />pics added
Umm, Jack, I hate to mention this, but those are DUCKS not CHICKS inside the tractor (purple tote, in the hair) ... :cheesysmile:
Whew, so relieved that someone else noticed the ducks. I was thinking I had lost it :p
And to think, my wife is scared to death of chickens (no, really she is... 8 years of marriage and I finally learn this, when I try to show the year old laying hens I got and she FREAKED OUT... the little ones, dislike, chicks *oh they are so cute* (until they grow up)

but ducks, and ducklings she loves???
yeah, I gots ducks too, 10 fowl all together, the tractor isn't large enough for them all
but, if I can figure out the wheels issue (right now tied on)

I need to get the ducks to imprint me want to get them to the point where they will follow me