Black Otter? Pretty sure....UPDATE

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Well-known member
May 30, 2012
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UPDATE: Well...I couldn't have been more wrong lol. Ended up with 2 black kits (like I thought), 5 REW kits (ummmmm...purebred flemish? I think not!) and 2 grey kits like momma, one light, one dark. do grey kits come about when dad only carries black and black otter? Like I said before...I may never learn!

Ok, looks like this litter will make I took a few pics today. My camera didn't want to focus on the kit (so it's blurry, sorry) and then it peed all over me, so I only got the one pic of the kit...they were VERY popcorny today...I'll try in the morning tomorrow for better pics.

BO kit?

Dad- REW St Rex

Mom- Dark Grey Flemish

Bonus - Feed bowl full of kits!

Please ignore all the poop, the colony got shoveled out after I took those pics...and of course, the pics were taken at the feed bowl....where most of the poop happens LOL.
Probably with that combination, it's an agouti.

It could be an otter, you won't know until it furs out, but you can't tell at all from that pict. Mine do nothave tan behind the ears they are born, that doesn't come for atleast two weeks. The skin behind their necks stays pink, and of course the agouti are no longer black when they fur out.
Yeah it's a really bad picture, heading down in a few minutes to try to get another one or ten hehe.
Looks like a chestnut like Mom to me. Tip to get your camra to focus on just the animal, bring a bucket/container(I like ice cream buckets) and put the kit in there and take a picture. Some camras like to "choose" what to focus so taking a picture with nothing in the back ground will get it to focus on the kit. Also check for a macro setting, that will give you the fine details.
Ok pics round 2. This is the one I think is BO:


Compared to what I think will be black....


Was hard to get them to hold still...and the litter "otter" was a biter!!! Who knew they could be biters that young!

I'm probably way off on my guesses though....curious to see what they grow out as!
It would be better to see it from the top, not in your hand :)

These are three days old.
Hehehe ok I'll get more pics tomorrow. Two have the look of the one on the left in your pic...the third has the same color but a light belly and chin.
The otter in the pict does have a white belly. They both started out just as dark, but one stays black while the other turns the color on the right. The two litters I have now, sired by the same buck, look agouti as my first guess, but in two days, if they are still black, then I will know they are not agoutis. It's hard for the first few days, because my agoutis carry otter, they are both sired by an otter. Matter of fact, the majority of my herd is otter sired.

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