Baby bunnies fasinated by their father/he by them.

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Fireclaws bunnbutts

Well-known member
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
Vienna, Wv
So, Yes, I know a lot of people warn against letting a buck come in contact with kits, even his own, because he could hurt/kill them. However, my buck, as timid and skittish as he can be, has never shown any hint of malice with his kits and I've found it fascinating that having never met them prior to when they first notice each other, that he accepts them as if he'd been around their entire lives.

My last litter, back when my cages were less than adequate, resulting in cat-deaths for two of my kits because they'd squeeze through the bars in the their mothers cage in the middle of the night when I wasn't able to watch them or the cat.

As soon as they realized that there was another rabbit in their world, they were fascinated by him and he was equally fascinated by them and on a regular basis, I'd see several little bodies snuggled up to Hoodie, their dear ole' dad and he seemed to enjoy their company, when their mother was done with them after being bred (with the litter I have now) he took them over and spent all his time with the kits. On his out-days (days where the rabbits are allowed out of their cages to run around) the kits would squeeze out of their mothers cage and follow him around (with no cats in the house, of course) and he would show them all of his favorite spots.

It's the same with my current litter, they too, have never met their father, however, they seem to be able to smell him or see him or something. I moved mom and babies into their own, new custom built cage last night, now that the babies are up and moving around, and the babies spend most of their time on the side of the cage which face their fathers cage, which is 4 inches away lol, they're not stressed at all and have been bouncing around and playing all morning this morning.
That is so sweet! He sounds like a great daddy!

We sold our FG buck Bigwig, but he LOVED babies.
He was loose in the rabbitry, so would hang out under their cage all day.
One day, we had the kits (not his babies) in the exercise pen, with my daughter and I inside, playing with them.
Biggie started sniffing all around the perimeter and the ten babies (about 4 weeks old) kept mobbing the spot along the pen where he was.
He'd move, they'd move.
Amazingly, he started PLAYINg with them... like peekaboo.. he'd run behind my back and they would follow to find him, and then he started zooming around the whole pen perimeter with them racing around after him.
I actually have it on video, but it is sideways for some reason and from my iPhone and I can't seem to get it converted to post!

So I totally believe that some bucks can make great parents ;)
How sweet!

In our colony, baby bunnies always were in contact with Daddy. The only time we had a problem was with one sex-maniac buck (Jasper) who was so eager to rebreed the doe (while she was still kindling) that some of the babies were scattered and trampled. We crated him within the colony and soon substituted his better-mannered son (Pudge) as herd sire. Even when Jasper was crated, however, the kits would squeeze thorough the bars and visit once they were mobile and he was always gentle with them.