Artificial popple creation...?

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2012
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Ok first I posted here because I'm not sure where else it fits so I hope it's right...

Anyway I have this darling buck...sweet as can be..and my only lop buck. I have two sweet lop girls just ready and waiting for him, and he tries his best to give them the attention they want but he can't manage it. He was injured in a way that makes him just not line up the way he should.
Well i heard of trying Artificial insemination with rabbits but for the life of me i have no clue how to go about it :/ has anyone on here got any experience with something like that? I would like to get a son from him to replace him for breeding at least(he is my favorite so he gets to stay either way)
Um, have someone local teach you how to 'assist' if the buck is 'used' to you and getting in the mood, and she is ready (I.E. down with tail up)
most bucks will accept a helping hand.
He would let me help ..and I tried :oops: but um ...I got him as an adult...his injury happened at some point when he was a kit or junior...and it healed odd :shock: he kinda um points backwards? and I am a little hesitant to well grab him and point him the right way since I really don't know if it would hurt him or not. :oops: I'd be thrilled to get at least one litter out of him, but I'm not holding out much hope on it. I just figured as a last effort I'd ask here.
Does the penis arc backwards in a curve? :? If so, that is normal rabbit anatomy. :)
ya that sounds really weird... I think would need pics to help much to see what is actually going on... or rather not going on..
I love animal husbandry forums. The only place on the earth it's not disturbing to request genital pictures. :lol:

Please post some. It would be good learning for the rest of us.
I'll take some in a little first I did think it was a split penis to be honest but it looks more like a doe took a bite out of the bottom of him...not a clean split (had another with one) thats when I thought he must have been wounded. it is pointed backward even when he is excited...and my other bucks point the right way then at least :/ ...anyway I'll try posting pics when I get back from the store.
I have a buck that allows me to pick him up and place him on the doe.
he has no problems with a helping hand.

in this case you may have to place him high up on the doe and then slide him back towards her rear.
then he may be in the right position to take care of business.
I would at least try, and not help only if he acted aggressive, such as trying to bite you.
but remember many bucks will bite the back of a doe's neck, to get a mouth full of fur to help them stay on.

I couldn't seem to get a good pic with his fur color and the lighting...~shrug~ but it wont matter...since i needed to cut my rabbit numbers it got decided that the two does would go since he can't get them..and if it is really a split penis it isn't worth the effort getting him to pass on a bad trait. He will just be my cuddle bunny..which he doesn't seem to mind :p thanks anyway everyone