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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2012
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Temps in the mid90s today. My Satin doe one week away from kindling heat stroked on me and we lost her and 2 of the 3 kits she miscarried. The 2 that were born DOA were larger and didn't look "ready," but the smallest one looks like it might make it.

The bad part is that we are forecast temps in the 20s and snow/sleet by Thursday/Friday. Then back into the 80s-90s, and another shot of cold 9 days later. This yo-yo temps are bad enough on my garden, but the poor mommas and babies just don't know which way to go ... shed their winter coats, or not :shock:

This is why I don't breed in the summer's here! And I have 3 more due to kindle over the next 3 weeks.
Yeah, it has been a loooong time since we had unsettled weather this bad this late in the year.
I sure hope all your buns are able to pull through the roller-coaster temps okay! :clover:

I guess being sorta near the Gulf and Lake Pontchartrain help moderate our temps a bit. Our temperature swings are nowhere near that drastic.
All the rest but 1 doe, 2 bucks and 10 growouts are in runout pens with shade tarps during the day. I also give cool fresh water several times per day and the ones in the cages were facing into the wind ... it is one thing when the temps rise gradually over several weeks, but you are right, this is a terrible roller coaster of temps.
Wow, sorry for your loses. The temps are going back and forth here too but nothing near that bad, more like 70 - 80 to 50. I hope it gets better for you.
That's terrible.

As much as we like to complain about Lake Erie, it tends to keep temps from bouncing around like that, though it can cause things like that in the winter.
mystang89":1lebcjcv said:
Wow, sorry for your loses. The temps are going back and forth here too but nothing near that bad, more like 70 - 80 to 50. I hope it gets better for you.
Yeah, that's what we're getting.
Same temp swings here as Mystang and Miss M. Don't know how I would handle what you're going through AnnClaire.

Sorry to hear about your losses. Hope the rest pull through.
Thanks so much to everyone! I am sitting here with a temp of 37F ... that is a 60 degree change from day before yesterday and a 34 degree change from this time last night. And they are saying snow tomorrow in the AM.

I got everyone buttoned up and the gardens covered with mulch to protect the plants by the time the cold front came through at 11am, but I have one doe due this weekend, so she will probably have them tonight or tomorrow when it's coldest :( I also need to check GPP as I think another doe is due a nest box (5 days before due) today or tomorrow.
We've gone from 12c to snow and back and back again. We had snow falling on the 29th of April and it's still here in places. There's no leaves on the trees yet and there's standing water in the fields.