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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
Reaction score
plattsburg, missouri
I've warned my buyer to keep in mind my production capabilities. He called me yesterday....another chef wants 75-100 fryers per month.

That last batch averaged $14.95 a head for me. Pretty good by anyone's standards.

Wow! Nice going, grumpy! I hope it continues this way for you for a long time. I knew rabbits could be maybe a little supplement to income, but this is looking like a good operation.

14.95 apiece is awesome Grumpy. That is 50% better than I am getting for dressed fryers. Sounds like I need some marketing advice lol
you've been in the game for a long time, built your reputation and your operation into what it is now. It's high time you get the pay-off. Happy for you. Kim
Sounds like your hard work is paying off.
glad to hear things are going well for you. Now if I could find buyers like this in my area
I would be happy,happy,happy