Angoras and pee

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2009
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Does anyone else have bucks that seem to delight in whizzing all over themselves? My giant buck pees on his cage items and rubs on them, daily. Its so bad, if I let him go, say 5 days between grooming, the tips of his hair are orange. I clean the cage each time, until a white cloth wipes clean, then he begins again. How do others deal with this?
Not sure how to help. I keep my bucks away from my does, because my bucks tend to spray them. This isn't always possible for some. Some put up a divider to block their view, but I think they can still smell the does and it makes them crazy. Boys are nutty hehe. ;)

If the rabbit is a pet and lives inside, then I have no idea. lol sorry
I have one Cal buck that LOVES pee. He will rub his face it it, sit in it, roll around in it...especially if it is doe pee! Weirdo... :roll:
I caught one of my bucks lapping at it. I was cleaning the does cage above him and as I was switching pans she let loose and he went for it. Yuck! I can't wait to move all the bucks outside . Cages ordered waiting on hubs to build the roof overhang.
Maybe he thinks he is a buck goat- urine is their favorite cologne, and the does go wild over it!

That is gross though- wish I had a brilliant suggestion for you, but I don't.
Perhaps some apple cider vinegar or vanilla in his water would change the odor of the urine so its less attractive to him.
Or... perhaps some apple cider vinegar or vanilla on HIM would make him more attractive to YOU! :lol:
It might actually have EVERYTHING to do with the does lol. Buck deer pee on themselves during the rut so that they smell "buckish". Moving him away from does won't really help, he'll just keep on doing it. You might be stuck with a stinky buck.
I think you may be right. He was next to another buck, so I took away the buck and put a doe there instead, and he peed all over her through the cage. Instead of having beautiful ear tassels, he has orange lacing.