Alaska's Baby Thread - New pics 08/08

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Bad Habit

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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(Original title The Most Anticipated Birth of The Century Was Yesterday...)

Alaska had 4. Two solid SP's, a broken SP, and a peanut. Had no idea she carried the dwarf gene - knew Snow did, but thought Alaska had missed it, since she seems rather large. Guess it's all the hair.

Think it's kind of funny that she kindled the same day that the royal baby was born. Everyone on my FB was posting about the royal baby, and I just kept posting about the baby buns :p.


Crummy cell phone picture minutes after Alaska left the nest. I removed the bloody hair, and it had some nasty poop on it, a big black smear of smelly diahrea. Her poops have been normal since, so no idea.





Was taking peanut pics for Kyle's article and snapped this one. I think it's just too cute.
LOL - so glad this did turn out to be about bunnies instead of royalty. I for one am very tired of nonstop reporting on the royal family (for any reason). They don't really rule, they are more just a traditional figurehead. All they basically do is suck the life out of the economy over there in exchange for an occasional parade wave. What a waste!

New bunnies on the other hand - always make me smile :) And since we are in our summertime hiatus I live vicariously through the members on this board. Thanks for the grin, I needed one today. Post more when they get fuzzy please.
Awww, too bad the peanut is a broken. He looks like a charlie chestnut. Are you culling?


EDIT: Man, I'm sorry for saying "Haha" at first like it was FUNNY... had a brain splat I suppose.
The peanut would actually be a broken black, probably not false charlie, as it has more than 10% colour. Parents are broken black and SP, so no agouti to make chestnut.

I don't know if I am culling yet. I keep meaning to, but chickening out. I don't like doing wee littles.

I really do want to keep one, as they were born on the 5th anniversary of the last day of my childhood dog being alive. She went into congestive heart failure July 22nd, 2008 and died shortly after midnight. I don't know if I have the room though.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:13 pm __________<br /><br />I culled the peanut after I posted this morning. I checked them right before I left, and the peanut looked so pathetic. I'm sure it would have been dead by the time I got back, but I didn't want to leave it.

The other three have nice fat tummies though!
Cute popples!

What is an SP? I see a broken, and one kit with dark ears.

The peanut pic is cute. It doesn't look that badly deformed, either, not like some pics I have seen.

Now... for some nekkid side pics! :p Surely they must be fuzzing out by now? :p :p :p
Not quite fuzzing out yet, lol. The broken SP is showing its spots more though, it has a really nice pattern!!! Yay spotty babies!!!

SP = Sable Point

The peanut was actually pretty deformed in my mind. That pic doesn't really show it, tbh, which is why I like it.


head shot. a little blurry, but you can see...


beside the broken SP kit, you can see the diff in butt sizes.


Trying to have a walk about and join the sibs.

More pics in a day or two. I don't want to "abuse" the babies too often, eh Kyle? LOL
Fixed the broken link on the 3rd pic. I am going to cull immediately in the future if there are peanuts. It was awful.

The other three are doing very well though. I should probably get Alaska out for an "after" picture, beside the pile of mats she created while pulling her hair. It was awful. But she's being a super awesome momma, from having them in the nest box, to trying to pull lots of fur, and keeping them well fed and covered, while allowing me to handle her. She did nip me once, and she gets a little grunty if I try to get her from around the nest box.<br /><br />__________ Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:03 am __________<br /><br />

Love that photo. It doesn't look like she pulled much hair though...


That's the pile of mats I had to clip from her chest. She seems to like pulling hair, but it totally turned into dreadlocks, lol!




Funny to think that they're a week old now. I think they could have used a day or two more in the oven, as they are behind where I'd expect them to be, fur-wise. Also, they coloured up a LOT in the first few days, and in my normal experience, they have their skin colour when they're born. Alaska is doing an awesome job, though, haven't had to worry once about her feeding or squishing them. Thinking that the broken missed the dwarf gene. It's a fair bit larger than the sibs, but wouldn't that make sense? Perfect stereotypical litter... One peanut, 2 dwarfs, one non-dwarf. Hoping the broken is a doe, though, if she is, I'll be holding her back.
Wow, what a difference! When first saw the pics, I thought "Wait a second... weren't they pink???"

I think you are right that they must have been born early. :?

Fingers crossed that your broken is a doe! :clover: