AAIEEEE!!! Florida White Popples!!!!

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Well-known member
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
NE Louisiana
I haven't been on much of late. Things have been so busy here. Anyway....

Clover and Monarch came thru. We woke up to 6 Florida White popples this morning. I am so glad Monarch got to pass on his genes before the dogs raided the rabbitry.

Clover scattered the kits on the wire. When I went out this morning all but two kts were on the ground so I gathered them all up in a warmed towel. All six are alive and kicking and clover is busy building her nest. I am going to put the litter back in with her and see what happens.

I didnt like finding the kits on the ground. I will be installing babysaver wire on my doe cages.
congrats 6,

hope all is well in your part of the country. gettin' colder up here every night.....beats the heck out of the furnace we've lived in since the last few days of june.

I'm so glad you saved the little guys, especially with Monarch being gone. Hopefully you will get a nice buck in the litter. :)
Thanks everyone. I hope I can save all 6.

Grumpy, the cold front got here early this morning. Boy I was glad to turn off that A/C and turn on the attic fan. PM headed to ya.
Congratulations! So thrilled to hear that Monarch's line has continued.

Fingers crossed that all 6 do well after the rocky start.

Oh my goodness, glad you found them in time, and hope they continue to do well. Shame about the buck. Hopefully the popples will carry on his best traits for you.

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