A LONG trip

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2011
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Got back yesterday morning (2:00AM) from a week long trip.
I took my mom from NC up to Maine to see my 93 year old aunt.
It was a tough week.
Both bickered back and forth non stop the whole week. Both hard of hearing ( so loud) and both with bad eyes ( so I became a see eye). I had to sleep on the floor since there was only a bed ( mom got) and a pull out ( aunt got) and drove them around and around and around and my aunt being in a wheelchair I got a very taxing workout everyday, Loading and unloading at every stop. And She wanted to chat until 11:00 every night…. since we came to see her I set up until she wanted to stop.

Good things
got to see my aunt
went to the Maine state museum WONDERFUL place! Really cool stuff for a homesteader to look at. They even had an old horse treadmill to run equipment.
We ate out a good bit. (yummy dinners and the olive garden)
Found a wonderful sheep and lion face Cast Iron muffin pan , a new light green plushy bath robe from LL bean, rodaldle’s illustrated encyclopedia of herbs and two very very good cookbooks for wild game at goodwill.
Drove to Bath and got ½ lbs of corriedale roving and some homemade soap (get it ? Bath soap)
Got to see what was once my grandpa’s 160 acre farm
Then Friday went to the Old Fort Western. Very cool old place (1754) and picked up a small tatting kit.

We left Sunday morning (the day of the Rabbits!!!)

Drove to NH and picked up a trio of adult proven BRUNS!!!!!!
Well, two are and one cross brun/Champagne. Both does bred to non related brun bucks.

Then we drove to PA, found a pet friendly hotel room. Dropped mom off and drove to Honorine’s!
she fed me the most wonderful venison with bacon in a wine sauce, rice with mushrooms and a side of sweet carrots. Oh soo soo good!!! (yup still drooling)
she gave me a neat seed starting book and another CI muffin pan in the shape of hearts (she is such a sweetheart herself)
Then out to the rabbits to fill up my carriers. In the end I now have 5 jr silvers (fawns)
A trio of jr palominos (golden) and a trio of BEW mini-rex!!

Then drove mom home (NC) and went straight home (SC) to total 18 hours of driving that day.
BUT the rabbits made it all worth while. (oh and that meal *TW drools on key board*)
:pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny:
And some day, the memories of the family part of the trip will be priceless!
I spent the better part of the last 15 yrs driving first my mom and grandmother all over creation (and like you sleeping on the floor and pushing a wheelchair) and then just my mom. Lots of aggravation and drama, but now that solo road trips are the norm, I'd like to have my backseat drivers back...at least they kept me awake!
I am sorry if it sounded like bitching. I didn't get in to all that went on. like I was not told I would have to sleep on the very hard floor (no padding) and buy my own pillows. while my mom slept on the a new serta comfort with 4 pillows 2 being body pillows and not offering me (or my aunt) even one. being woke up at 5:00 am with north eastern sun coming in a window with NO curtains. and them going to church and calming they will be back right after service yet not coming back for well over 5 hour after without calling so I wouldn't worry. having me take them to and into the cemetery knowing full well i have a grave phobia....

I loved seeing my aunt don't get me wrong
but not sure I'll ever go back, i can only take my mom (NOT an animal lover or even liker) in very small doses.

BUT I got rabbits!!
Whew!! You are a gem to put up with all of that!! Glad the trip was worth all of the aggravation and discomfort!
Didn't sound like bitching...and, boy, to I hear you on the cemetery thing!! I was just in the middle of an 'I miss my mommy' moment.

And you're right, getting new critters does make up for 'some' of the rest. :)
and visiting with Honorine (and her fun family)and her home cooked meal! :cheesysmile:

Slivers! pals! and BRUNS! oh my!!!

with a side order of mini bew :lilbunny:
Wow tailwagging! What a trip! Sorry that some of it was so frustrating but I'd feel just like you in the end....Rabbits! LOL Congratulations on the new rabbuts! Can't wait for pics! :)
oh yes I'll post pics!
but not until they are are all calmed down. it was stressful for them too and the does from the Brun trio are due in less then a week.
the silvers are flighty little things but the pals are adjusting good and the mini-rex are very friendly. all of them are in the "shelter of requirement" under quarantine so all they see are each other who are trying to adjust too.
If you come up for Convention TW I'll make rabbit in sweet white wine------ and give you the boys bed, its the best in the house- start scheming now!!!!