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  1. eco2pia

    Sore hocks, boards and hay haven’t worked.

    Yeah I would stop using him for breeding also. I have tried to heal sore hocks in the past and it became a sort of constant maintenance issue, plus heritable. In my case the silly buck really loved thumping his foot a whole lot, which did not help. He was pretty, but he had to go.
  2. eco2pia

    A foray into...goats?

    This makes sense, however my big concern was that I would have a "herd" of two. In that situation they kinda have to like each other and get along. My concern would be that someone would get bullied...not a 100% eliminated concern with a pair of kids, but a lower concern. My other best option...
  3. eco2pia

    A foray into...goats?

    I like this advice. Thanks. Good tools make all jobs pleasant, and I will spend stupid amounts for good tools.
  4. eco2pia

    A foray into...goats?

    The mystery of this whole situation seems to be basically, I generally expect to start with kids. I know the whole thing about inspecting the dams udder, but seriously? It is not often a thing available when you are looking for a basic, non show, utilitarian dairy animal, unless you buy an adult...
  5. eco2pia

    A foray into...goats?

    Yeah, I am pretty good at the livestock vs pet distinction. :) I could elaborate, but let's just leave it at that. No reason not to adore the livestock you have though. I am aware of the daily nature of milking. I only really need a quart a day, which is why the mini Nubian seems excessive...
  6. eco2pia

    A foray into...goats?

    I have a teeny tiny place. A large suburban yard to be exact. I have too many critters, except...not. I have chickens, ducks, rabbits and an indoor dog and cat. It sounds insane, but it actually looks pretty reasonable, because I am careful with how everything is managed, and I am extremely...
  7. eco2pia

    Rabbit genetics and breeding to get desired quality?????

    Hi! welcome to rabbit talk! I believe the gene for rex fur is recessive. Your first generation would not have rex fur but all kits would carry the gene for rex fur. Subsequent generations could have rex fur if bred back to a rex or rex carrier. Therefore I think your best strategy would...
  8. eco2pia

    Mature Doe, no Dewlap.

    This just goes to show how breed specific all of our knowledge is. I would have responded that it is odd for a doe not to develop a dewlap and would worry she was not maintaining her weight...and I mostly breed large meat breed rabbits. I have never raised dwarfs at all, and have rarely even...
  9. eco2pia

    Off to a rocky start

    Do heed the glove suggestion at first. If you get bit you will move differently and the rabbits will take it as you are sneaking up on them and they will get even more frantic. Anything that makes you confident is good. I am ready to lay money that the buck is the sweety and the does are...
  10. eco2pia

    Idiot-Proof Rabbit Nest Box Plans?

    In a pinch a cardboard box from amazon works, but usually doesn't last as long as kits need it. Just saying, in an emergency... If you make your own I strongly recommend a perforated floor of some kind, as shown in the link provided by Tambayo above--don't skip that. There is a lot of pee, and...
  11. eco2pia

    Not new, but returning!

    I have actually 3 55gallon barrels set in line with the roof gutters (about 3.5 feet off the ground) gravity feeding the lines. The lines come off almost exactly horizontally from the bottoms of the barrels, no drop. The line comes out of the first barrel in the series at the bottom thru a...
  12. eco2pia

    Not new, but returning!

    I know it may be an expense but I have had luck keeping algae down by using colored water lines. Mine are blue, and the reservoir is a series of 55gallon blue drums. I was lucky to get the box of blue tubing for free from someone...Maybe there is a way you can block light to the system without...
  13. eco2pia

    Putting rabbits outside

    The kits who have not left the box will be happier left behind for a bit. The big wide world will likely just scare them, and depending on what the mesh size is on the outdoor run they might be able to escape. Mama can leave them for a bit during the day if she is happy about it. If she seems...
  14. eco2pia

    Why do my kits keep dying?

    Maybe not mold, but there could then be a random toxic plant that got in there maybe?
  15. eco2pia

    Excessive Rabbit Care (Caring too much?)

    An over warm rabbit will be inactive, and lay stretched out in whatever shade they can find--this is normal, just like what a dog would do. You may notice enlarged blood vessels in their ears, which is their normal method of cooling themselves. A heat stressed rabbit pants. Like a dog. Mouth...
  16. eco2pia

    Excessive Rabbit Care (Caring too much?)

    This is fine if your bunnies will never leave paradise. If you plan to be responsible for them their whole lives and will gradually acclimate them if something changes. While some of us might sound harsh here, the thing is if your rabbits will be going to less paradise like homes at some point...
  17. eco2pia

    Kits all have blood pooling in their nails but are alive? Many have died after I warm them up.

    hop back over to the other post. I am going to merge these if I can figure out how. I think if they are not moving and warmed up, and you cannot feel a heart beat or breathing then it is safe to assume they are dead. Edit: I can't figure out how to combine threads at the moment. it's fine, the...
  18. eco2pia

    Why do my kits keep dying?

    I hope you find healthy heart and lungs and a bloated messed up looking gut or liver. I am so sorry this is happening.
  19. eco2pia

    Why do my kits keep dying?

    If you do this yourself, be careful to not spread potentially infectious rabbit fluids or tissues around, clean the area with diluted bleach after, and bag everything for disposal. Wear gloves, keep the mess contained, and clean it up. Don't panic, but be smart about it. think about not touching...
  20. eco2pia

    Why do my kits keep dying?

    This sounds like something which could be contagious. I do not know enough to say what yet, but it is time to assume that it is and try not to cross contaminate to other cages/litters if possible. Use gloves, wash hands, move affected cages into isolation if possible, visit sick cages last...