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  1. TerriG

    Figuring out new genetics

    You guys were so helpful when we first started out (back in 2012!) We had our genetics all figured out. Then we had some strays show up (true rabbit math! They showed up in my yard). After quarantine, they were added to our stock. We now have some interesting things showing up that I am...
  2. TerriG

    Help (Grumpy) - planning my auto waterer system

    How would you suggest I run my system lines? Here is a mock up of my rabbitry (I'm switching over to all wire cages, but they will still be stacked - 30 holes). It is 15'x17.5'. I want the lines to be at the back of the cages like yours. I just don't know how to effectively hit all these...
  3. TerriG

    (Dood) Clip on nest boxes

    I found an old thread about them, but nothing new. I am looking at forward nest boxes when I go to smaller cages. Right now we have doe cages with an attached den. We are reworking everything and going to 24"x30" cages. I really like the idea of adding a nest box onto the front so that the...
  4. TerriG

    Is this vent disease?

    Three years in, and I have an unknown issue. I have never dealt with this, but her vent looks funny to me. I seems swollen. Ignore the shavings on her fur. It's just the bedding in the quarantine cage. First picture is with her just flipped. My other does, you actually have to look for...
  5. TerriG

    Swollen vent?

    We've been raising rabbits for 3 years now. About a month ago, our neighbor came over and told us there was a bunny loose. We went and checked and it wasn't one of ours. We've seen it here and there, but today we were able to catch her. She was definitely somebody's pet. She has no problem...
  6. TerriG

    What color is he?

    This was a sweet buck that we sold to another meat breeder. He came out of our satin line and was just so sweet and pretty. I'm just not sure what his color is called. Is he still a frosty?
  7. TerriG

    An oops litter with a new buck

    We had a buck show up at our house last fall. We found his owners and returned him. They complained that they really didn't want him, that he kept escaping, and tried to talk us into keeping him. We already had enough bucks, so we declined. The next morning, he had found his way back to our...
  8. TerriG

    I have another cage question (tsc)

    In my other thread, the ones from tsc or places like that were mentioned. The complaint was the j-clips I think. Would it be worth it to get the cages, knowing I will need to beef up the clips? I really need to get going on my new stacking wire cages, but shipping is going to kill me. I can...
  9. TerriG

    Are there any top fill bottles larger than 32 oz?

    We currently have 2-2 liter bottles hung on our doe cages and grow-outs, and 1-2 liter bottle hung on our buck cages. In the heat, they are going through water like crazy, but it also gives up the ability to go camping. I want to switch to top fill bottles to cut down on my labor, but can only...
  10. TerriG

    Has anyone tried these cages?

    Has anyone used these cages? The sizes are perfect for my rabbitry. I would triple stack, which I know is a pain since we are already double stacked, but that is what space allows. Switching to these would double my holes! :twisted: :mrgreen: ...
  11. TerriG

    Black Pelts?

    I have been informed (by my hubby and kids) that they want black pelts again. We had to retire our black buck. Our two bucks are a satin tort and a Palomino. Could I get a black doe and still get black pelts with those bucks?
  12. TerriG

    Riddle me this?!?

    Wtheck? We are 3 generations in on these satin torte does (finally have good mothering and personality!) and we have a surprise in the nest box. Both the buck and doe are raised out from our stock. We usually get Palaminos/Buff, Torte, and ermine, and then satin varieties of each of these...
  13. TerriG

    This month's kindles

    We had 3 does kindle this last week. I'm thinking the 4th one missed. Only rabbit people will understand all this lol Anyway, one was a first timer (Mopsy) and got everything right! 6 live kits in the nest with fur. She is skittish, but lets us pet her and mess with her nest. She stomps, but no...
  14. TerriG


    Short story: We have a beautiful red satin doe. We held back a beautiful red satin buck. If we breed them, we will get more beautiful red satins, right? Long story: We randomly get satins from our stock. We ended up with a doe getting pregnant by a littermate. We saw her haystache and...
  15. TerriG

    Best place to buy top fill water bottles?

    Just trying to see if you guys know a better source than my local feed store :D
  16. TerriG

    Cleaning and mucking in the winter-How do you guys do it?

    During the summer, we dump trays and muck into the wheelbarrow and then haul it out to the garden. In the winter, this is not working. We either have snow or mud from fall until spring. Last winter, my kids used one of their cheap plastic sled/toboggan but the sides are so short and it made a...
  17. TerriG

    Has anyone made insulating sleeves for their water bottles?

    I have been tossing this idea around in my head and am still trying to work some of the logistics out. We use 2 liter bottles and 32 oz bottles (some are the square ones, some are the round ones) mounted on the outside of the cages. I have been thinking about wool socks or something like that...
  18. TerriG

    We lucked out!

    We have 3 does that were due for their nest boxes yesterday. I told my dh that we needed to do trays and cages today and get those nest boxes in *TODAY* since we didn't get it done yesterday. We got that done this afternoon and we already have one doe pulling fur! Today is day 29.
  19. TerriG

    Canning question

    I did a quick search, but didn't find an answer to my question. If I am planning on canning the rabbit meat, does it need to go completely through rigor like we do for freezing?
  20. TerriG

    Parasite/Worm Treatment Options

    When we did trays today, we noticed egg casings (some were red, some were black, shaped like reptile eggs) and even one worm that looked like a tape worm? I would like to treat the rabbits naturally since they are for meat. Will ACV take care of whatever they have? Can it be regular ACV or...