Some pics of the buns!

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
I took my camera out today and got some photos of some of the newer rabbits and babies.
The english angora babies are 3 weeks old and the jersey wooly turned 2 weeks today
Here are the 5 that are with Star the english angora momma
chocolate and chocolate agouti

Chocolate tort, cream, chocolate tort

The jersey wooly litter
chocolate, smoke pearl, fawn

Isn't she cute?


The jersey wooly buck I got at the charleston show his feet are placed wrong, he wasn't cooperating


Mirage, blue english angora doe 10 weeks old
K, now I know you're messing with me. I saw the seams, those are stuffies.
Kidding, they are super cute :D
Those are way too cute for words! If I thought I could handle all the brushing, I'd be making a midnight foray into your barn and absconding with Mirage and the smoke pearl JW! And the chocolate Angora. :p

They are just stunning. Congratulations! I don't know how you can handle all of the cuteness!
Beautiful babies !!!

I love all the colors ... a rainbow of sweetness !

Congrats on getting the Black Otter JW Buck you wanted !
Dreamerz":2wnkdft9 said:
Beautiful babies !!!

I love all the colors ... a rainbow of sweetness !

Congrats on getting the Black Otter JW Buck you wanted !

Thanks! I am thrilled to have him! I would still love a bunny from you but a doe rather than a buck. :)
LindseysWoolies":rcac4btk said:
Msd, the jw are pretty much maintenance free! Heir hair rarely mats.

Is that so??? :sneaky2: I'll be there shortly... when is weaning scheduled? :twisted:
MSD, I don't find my english angoras to be that "high maintenance" ... basically I blow their fur out once a week up to 2x per week with the shop vac and just a bit of brushing of the tummy and behind the leg joints to keep the mats away ... maybe 15 minutes per bun per week?
AnnClaire":1wql7e1n said:
MSD, I don't find my english angoras to be that "high maintenance"

Oh no, you enablers! You won with the LionHeads, but I am NOT getting a fuzzy-wuzzy cute-as-pie fiber bunny! Nope! Just not gonna happen.

Besides, there are some well bred Mini-Satans (er- Satins!) available locally on Cl... :twisted: and you know how I like their gleaming fur... :whistle:
Been thinkin about getting english Angora and staying green do my part on deforestation and instead of using high priced paper towel s just run a bunny over every thing and shave it afterward s :twisted: