wool block 101

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2011
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Yes, dang it....I'm fighting wool block again....and again because I didn't want to shear a gorgeous bun in full coat because he just looked too darn good to buzz. (Different rabbit this time.

http://voices.yahoo.com/homemade-treatm ... 82227.html

So, here's what I've done so far.

1. Recognized that he isn't eating.
2. brought him into the house for closer observation in clean cage to monitor new droppings, if any. Allowed free access to pantry for exercise. (which he enjoyed, including digging a bigger hole in the corner....expansion of an earlier project.)
3. No pellets. Given water and hay.
4. Offered fresh banana...(not too excited by this, which really freaked me out).
5. Went on line and found the above articles....discovered that it is almost impossible to give a rabbit a pill...those big front teeth clamp shut and there's no getting them op-en. You CAN slide the pill in from the side, behind the big front teeth, but the rabbit can just as easily spit the pill back out.
6. Groomed him thoroughly. Not much shed hair. It would seem Milton is not blowing coat.
7. sprinkled banana with powdered papaya and pineapple supplement from the health food store...which he is still not eating.
So...next I try the molasses and olive oil.

Are these rabbits not content with keeping me at a moderate level of anxiety? Must we have this drama?
Mines (jersey wollys) happily eat the banana, flax, oats cookie but won't eat the nasty 'nanas. I've also started feeding wild birdseed once a week.
After starting my herd on flax I have noticed an improved appetite in my bucks. I give them a teaspoon every day and hay every other day.
I tried giving chunks of dried papaya but they weren't interested at all.
Meat tenderizer is suggested, but I'm not sure about the rest of the ingredients in it. I've been told, that once an animal has had wool block, it can become a reoccurring issue, since all of the wool inside is never really cleared away.
you can go at the drug store and get heavy mineral oil.. syringe 1 cc every 2 hours. tHAT WIll help allot. I would feed flax seed to all of your rabbits,help to prevent wool block in the future. It has to be everyday for it to work. It also helps with allot of other things as well.
The mineral oil worked for me every time.when i had jersey woolies.
would olive oil work?

I got enough water into him for a healthy pee, yesterday. Also enema with warm water and olive oil resulted in hard grape-seed like droppings. Will continue to fight for this Rabbit's life.
Most my bunnies love Bananas. But honestly I can't get them to eat a thing when they have wool block.
We make a smoothie out of papaya, banana, and meat tenderizer and force feed them little bits at time with a syringe.
I know Betty Chu feeds bird seed to her Angoras. http://bettychuenglishangora.com/cares/index.html
Goodluck! Hopefully your bunny starts feeling better!
owlsfriend":ubwg1tea said:
would olive oil work?

I think mineral oil is used because it is indigestible. The olive oil may help, but the mineral oil is probably preferable. I know it is safe because when horses colic, the vets give them a gallon or more to help pass the blockage.
started using mineral oil and Milton drank from his water bottle after I returned him to his pen. This morning, he'd jumped into his travel crate, which opens from the top. I thought it strange until I realized how cold the floor is in the pantry. I lifted him out to force some exersize and found he'd peed a normal amount (though it smelled strong!) and there was a tblspoon of soft feces in the bottom of the tray! (In fact, I hear him drinking now.)

I will continue with the mineral oil orally, and maybe another suppository. He has hay whenever he wants, fresh parsley, and water available. He's very active, although no binkies. His stomach has not been tight, and he only has occasional, soft, tooth grinding.
When he seems ok... Please dont stop the mineral oil.. It will blocked up again. .. Keep doing it ,except only twice a day instead of every two hours. Until you see normal amount of poop that he usally gives you a day. The key word is NORMAl amount. If you see some poop and you stop. He will go back again. Just like anibiotics once you start it you have to finished the bottle even tho you feel better.