with this mild spell all does want to breed.. how many times

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Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Near ottawa ontario
OK... All of my does want to breed with this mild spell we have been getting.... they lifting to the sky really high.. Hard to groom the backsides if you get my drift.. :mrgreen: . I have breed three now so far... I only want to use the one buck. How many times can i use him.. He is young.. And eager to go just like the girls were.. I breed one yesterday and i used him again this morning and again just a few hours later... But i always bring back the girls that i use the same day back later on in the afternoon for a second attempt for breeding.. now when i do leave the with the buck.. I watch to how many times he does.. I leave twice for each doe today..
Geez...don't know about that one.

One 'good' covering then pull the doe. Wait 6 hours and repeat.
I've bred two does to one buck this way in the past.
Only I reversed the order in the second go-round.

So much depends on the buck and his ability to recoup.
Years ago, my high-priced NZW buck was shootin' blanks.
This was before the internet so I bought a Sunday paper.
I found a 'meat-type' buck that had wild-type colored fur.

Disregarding quarantine, I bred him to six/6 does in one evening.
He was a bit "tired" at the end of the day.
But....30 days later all six does kindled nice healthy litters.
And I had some absolutely beautiful colors in that bunch.

There are no hard and fast rules. Just follow your instincts
and keep a close eye on your herd sire. He'll let you know
when enough is enough. Just make sure he doesn't get beat-up
by some old cranky doe.

Wow, you are lucky! NONE of my does are lifting. I keep trying. They are in great health and are not fat or skinny. My bucks are very eager and try hard, but no lifting. All the does just run or climb the walls. :( Getting frustrated.
You should be able to use him again tomorrow. These things vary from buck to buck, but it makes sense to me to try him and hope for the best. This mild spell isn't going to last much longer :( but the temperatures in the days ahead don't look nearly so bad as late December/early January.
yes,, I agree.. I breed all the females.. I couldnt believe it.. I dont get that to often and i wasnt going to let that pass up even tho we are in January.. I can bring the babies in the house and back out for feeding.. There is two does that i am wanting to breed for a very long time ... they are the german.. wanting babies from them. Now i am sure the last does will have small litters or miss because i used the buck to much in a short spand... but i will know i 31 days..

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