Winter Breeding--advice please?

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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We are about to have another cold snap here. I want the does bred soon, but they are not lifting today. They are in hutches outside. Can I bring them in the house to trick them into thinking it's spring so they will breed? If so, how many days should I have them indoors for? I don't want them in for too long, as they will start shedding and get used to warmer temps...but I want them in long enough for them to be receptive...only 1 out of 4 had a red/purplish colour today, and she still didn't lift. The others were all pale coloured....also, it's a lot more work to have them indoors, to keep them from smelling, as I work full time. Or should I just leave them outside and keep trying them out there? I doubt they will breed that way, considering the temps here. What do you all recommend?

PS. They are fed pellets, hay, and a little BOSS...I am not interested in changing their diets to get them to breed. That would be extra expense that I don't want.
Mine are still breeding in this cold. Mine are in a 4 sided shelter, I wouldn't call it a barn as it is really cold, just no wind. So it's kinda like a massive hutch. I would just keep trying, especially with the warm weather. I have lights, so I can do chores, so mine get an extra 4h a day, not sure if that helps with the breeding though.
Mine are breeding too - 4 litters born in late Nov, 2 in mid Dec and 2 due any day.

Can I bring them in the house to trick them into thinking it's spring so they will breed?
This wont work.

If so, how many days should I have them indoors for
some people dont supplement light, or heat, and still get litters. But according to the literature does need 8 to 12 hours of light to maximize fertility and my breeders get 12.

I would think it would take 3-4 weeks of artificial light to get their circadian rhythms re-wired.
Rabbit that are outside will do this at this time year... Nature tells them it is winter not to have little ones... As the day light gets longer ,which it has started already... they will start to lift.. The cold has nothing to do with it ... Dont bring in the house ,, you will get sick bunnies.. Just be patient..
Thanks all. Good advice. I will just keep trying them. We are only getting 8.9 hrs of sunlight right now. So I guess it will be quite a while before they will breed :(
Dood":1naxqq8a said:
Mine are breeding too - 4 litters born in late Nov, 2 in mid Dec and 2 due any day.

I would think it would take 3-4 weeks of artificial light to get their circadian rhythms re-wired.

I mentioned in another thread about my does refusing to lift , so I artificially extended daytime .... after about a week of daily breeding attempts she finally lifted.
Im not sure it had anything to do with the light or not as I had only removed her last litter a week before that and have noticed that none of my does will lift when housed with their litters even if they appear ready(never tried to breed back on the day they kindled). She was either away from kits long enough to decide it was time to be bred or the light worked .... which I expected to take longer. Luck maybe ?
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":kzlevr52 said:
they know it is winter even tho you give extra lights... They are not chickens.. lol

You have officially provided me my chuckle for the day! Luv it! :lol:
I'm with Mary Ann. two winters ago I did nothing and bred all winter, last winter I had a sophisticated timer system and got nothing. three litters so far.
I do not have the option of turning on lights, as they are in hutches outdoors. I do not have any shelters outdoors. :( I wish I could though, to experiment.
My Rex does decided to lift while at a weekend show, they'd been outdoors til the night before the show, indoors for two days, and were lifting on the table for the judges.

Try taking them for a drive as soon as the roads are ok and I mean more than around the block a couple of times. If you've got to spend a couple of hours running errands, give them a road trip.

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