Will a buck go after her again?

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2 bun-owner

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
North Dakota
When a buck has done his need on a doe
Will the buck go after the doe again if he got
Her? I'm noticing no interest in either one after
The breed now. Is this normal? My doe is grunting
And is really mean now. She's a bear! This could be
A territorial thing as well but waiting to see if she
Has kits and if not then she's gone. :(
She could be a growlie-butt 'cause she's pregnant, and the buck probably knows it so doesn't bother. :?
Ok, she's soooo crabby just a major
Crabby pants. I just resently put the buck back on
His side of cage too so that probably didn't
Help either, but man she's really bad. She doesn't
Let us touch her or go near her with out grunting, and
Leaping towards us. I sure hope there's kits in
The making or she will be gone. I can't have
Grunting crabby buns around. However she was great
Before she got prego (hopefully) other wise she's
Became territorial which could be the case as well.<br /><br />__________ Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:31 pm __________<br /><br />Ya, the buck is just a fine dude doesn't bother
Or is crabby but my doe. Wow she's a mess. But
Before my doe was balls to walls for my doe
And now he's too good. Lol doesn't give a crap now.
So was just was wondering about that. Didn't know
How the buck or doe react or know if the buck got her
Or if it was a one time deal. But by any means the doe
Won't let my Thumps come close to her with our
Grunting or making it clear that he needs to stay away.
Some bucks will and some won't. Some doe will accept regardless,and some won't. The only way to really tell is to learn your buns.
I generally let a buck mount the doe 2-3 times over a 20 minute period (rough estimate). Then I put him back after 8-12 hours for the same. I've found if I wait much more than 8-12 hours the doe won't allow the buck to mount her. I've had two does recently that once they became pregnant they became very aggressive. One of the does I bred back right away as she lost all the kits. The other doe is raising a pair of kits and is once again a sweetheart.
ckcs":jcnbdhar said:
I generally let a buck mount the doe 2-3 times over a 20 minute period (rough estimate). Then I put him back after 8-12 hours for the same. I've found if I wait much more than 8-12 hours the doe won't allow the buck to mount her. I've had two does recently that once they became pregnant they became very aggressive. One of the does I bred back right away as she lost all the kits. The other doe is raising a pair of kits and is once again a sweetheart.

I'm hoping that what my doe does too. Hope
She returns to her sweet self. Right now she's
A major crabby growly bear. We can't even get
Near the cage and she starts pasing the cage
And grunting. We have a few more weeks before
She has the kits. I'm going to somehow find away
To get the nest box in there without her attacking
Me. I'm actually afraid of her now. :(
If you don't have a glove, wrap your arm and hand with a towel, and just leave the nest at the door. x~x That's what I do.
I was thinking of maybe putting her nest box
In the inclosed box so then I don't even have to
Open the open area where she is all the time. The
Only way she will know I'm in there is
If she comes in the box other wise I shouldn't
Have a problem with her "attacking" me if
I put it in the box. Might be a good idea. :)
Hello 2 bun-owner,
Do you own/have you read any good books written
about "The care and feeding of Rabbits"?
I suggest that you either purchase or
borrow from your local Library:
Rabbit Production by McNitt, Patton, Lukfahr & Cheeke.
This would answer just about all of your questions.
I only say this because from your post it appears that you
have not done much research into the the proper care, feeding
and Breeding of Rabbits. It is probably only my opinion,
but I feel you have made a few bad choices in your decisions.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:

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