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Jul 25, 2011
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that chocolates and lilacs have a red tint to their eyes? One of my mini rex bucks, a chocolate and orange torted tri with not enough chocolate color, has just the lightest tint of red in the right light. I've seen one other choc/orange tri who's eyes had a redder tint. Could it have something to do with the amount of chocolate in his coat?
We also have an American Sable buck (a gift) who is a sable, just never silvered. He's a little darker on his points and when we bred him he through pointed whites, seals, and sables. But he has no red tint. Could it be because he never changed color or did he just miss the boat on that one?
Thanks for any help!
Maggie :)
I'm not sure why that is, but I have a sable point buck who has brown eyes but when he turns his head they a have red tint to them.
Lightening the coat lightens the eyes. However all my chocolates have chocolate eyes and all my lilacs have grey eyes. No red in them.