Why I decided not to put the doe with the buck a second time

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
Gloucester, Virginia
Traditionally I put the doe in with the buck, let him mount her 2-3 times then repeat 8-12 hours later. Thursday morning I decided to put my Lionlop Generation II in with her brother to rebreed her. She has 2 kits now that will be weened in a week and neither are keepers. She is a very sweet rabbit but turned mean during pregnancy. After she gave birth to 7 kits (5 were stillborn) she was back to being sweet. I took her from the cage and put her in with the buck. In no time he had done his thing twice and back to her cage she went. 8 hours later I went to get her out of her cage and she was making very loud noises. I can only describe as she was honking like a goose. I finally got her and could tell she was very scared. I didn't have the heart to take her to the bucks cage so I put her back down. Has anyone experienced this sound it was horrible.
She was probably well covered anyway. I've heard mine chattering displeasure, but never honking. I wouldn't have bred her again either. Give her a little treat so she'll feel better.
I'm not sure what sound you are talking about but I had a MR buck everyone hated. I put a timid doe with him and she ran under his feeder and started screaming. You'd think she wasn't ready to breed but I then put her with another smaller laid back buck and she mounted him. I finally butchered the buck they all hated because only my most dominant doe who beats up bucks would breed with him willingly. They had some nice kits but the doe has no pedigree and I have a hard enough time selling mini rex around here.
Aww poor thing. I have a doe that "talks" sometimes but usually I just breed them once and that's enough. Sometimes a second time if the buck is new to breeding. She's proabably letting you know she's bred
So far she is being pretty nice which is good. First time I tried to pet her she was mean. I think she thought I was going to put her in with the buck again. Other night I took her out and brought her back to our bedroom. I had to walk past the bucks cage. I covered her head lol.
My doe's always make a typical noise when they are pregnant, even a short while after kindling.
I describe the sound as a vulnerable way of saying "pleas leave me alone, i'm already pregnant!" And the bucks seem to understand this, because they almost always lose stop bothering or chasing her. I now have a doe who does this, she kindled 4 weeks ago and i fostered the baby to another doe and she still grunts (is what i call the sound) after 4 weeks and she also wags her tail in a annoyed way while running away from the buck.

Doe's can make this sound hours after being bred, like your doe and they make it look like they're in distress.

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