Why are all my critters weird? Odd breeding behavior

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2013
Reaction score
Town of The Blue Mountains, ON
Bred first time buck and doe today, she's definitely female, and vulva is swollen and reddish.

He mounted, she presented to him, and he proceeded with great enthusiasm. Bad aim, but he gets extra points for effort, :lol: After having her hip vigorously humped for a few moments, she wriggled out from under him, and they started spinning around trying to mount each other. She got the upper paw when she grabbed his neck, forced him down, mounted, then rode him to town and back! :shock:

Having thus thoroughly schooled him in how it should be done, and made him her "wife", she once again presented herself and was correctly served. Twice.

Anyone else witness this type of behavior? Do rabbits usually "swing both ways"?

Seriously, I couldn't make this up if I tried.
Actually, one of my Cali does did that. I tried her with two different bucks and she did the same thing to both. My NZW buck finally got it right.

I was wondering about her.
One of my girls was being difficult and just when I was about to take her out she suddenly became very interested in an upper corner. :shock: Silly thing was standing on two feet when she lifted for Arby. Then another stood on tiptoes so high the poor little buck could barely reach. :lol: Rabbits are so silly.
My blue doe would never let my buck have his turn til she had hers...cryin' shame she missed twice, because I don't have him any more. :( I hope the new buck has better luck with her...and I hope he's not intimidated by her..................enthusiasm. :p

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