They are super cute, but none of those would be called "white" in the usual use of the word in the rabbit world. Typically "white" refers to REW aka red-eyed white, ruby-eyed white, or albino.
All of the bunnies pictured have dark eyes, so none are REW. I agree with
@RabbitsOfTheCreek that several of them look like magpie (chinchilla harlequin), as well as ermine (self chinchilla) and sallander (self non-extension chinchilla).
This is actually important to some people because harlequin is a pattern that some folks love, but which can cause problems for breeders down the road. And chinchilla can too, if someone is trying to get consistently pure-white-coated rabbits for fur production. Color on nose, tail or ears isn't usually an issue, but chinchilla-based varieties often have a "veil" of dark-tipped hairs on their white coat. It could be a bummer for someone to buy rabbits as NZ Whites, only to have all of these other colors and patterns pop out.
The bunny in the front of the first and last photos has a dark tail, which might make someone think "himalayan," but its eyes are dark, so it's not actually that variety; more likely it's an ermine aka frosty aka non-extension chinchilla. The bunny in the back of the last photo, with the haze on its head and ears and the swirls of gray around its hindquarters and flanks looks like it might be a sallander (self non-extension chinchilla). The bunnies with stripes and spots would be the magpies, and the bunnies with dark tails and ear lacing, or no color anywhere other than the eyes, may also be ermines or frosties.
None of this surprising since your buck Fredia is not a NZ White. He has the dark eyes and hazy "veil" of color of an ermine/frostie, so he's most likely also an ermine/frosty (and you indicate he's a NZ/giant crossbreed, and many of the giant breeds are bred in chinchilla).