where to get hay

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
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I'm in Indiana, which should in theory make it easy to find hay, but i'm having trouble finding a source. Where do you buy your hay from? Tractor Supply? Horse barns? Where should I look, and if i find some, what is a good amount to buy? I have 9 rabbits right now, 5 are being sold soon, but another 2 litters are planned for the near future.
Check out the Farms in your area,
you will get a bail of hay much cheaper that way.
I am in upstate N.Y. so have a farmer close by who sells bails of hay.
$3.50 per bail, I purchase 2 bails at a time. They last about a month or two
depending on how may bred Does and litters I have.
I fill the hay racks on each cage about three to four times per week.
I have 24 Rabbits plus litters.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Drive the backroads, knock on farmer's doors, check Craigslist. Ya can't drive down two roads down here without passing at least three or four horse trailers set up by the road filled with hay and a coffee can to drop cash into. We work a little old school out here ;)

Hay ranges from $3-$4 in our area. Ten bales fed our herd of 30 through the winter but we don't feed them much hay.
I've found hay on craig's list. Just put in your city or area name and then search for hay in the FARM & GARDEN section of FOR SALE.
Actual here in the middle of the midwest there's a ton of hay listed everywhere and we are not in a drought. Humidity has been very high all year and we are short a cutting this year because it rained often enough it was hard for the guy who cuts it to get all the fields he manages dry and baled before the next rain. Grass was mowed twice a week all summer when often you don't mow at all in July due to the dry weather slowing down growth. This was a dryer year than previous ones but that's not entirely a bad thing. For the past 5 years or so all the fields have had standing water in parts of them lessening the amount of hay and crops that people managed to get.
Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota all have hay in abundance. It's the West, south and southwest that are having troubles. So You should be able to find hay easily by using craigslist, farm store, farmers, signs on the roads...I just drove up Illinois and 3rd crop was going into barns now. Grass and alfalfa types.

check the classifieds of your local paper, too. Plenty of farmers out there don't use the internet.