I make my own mix for both my rabbits and my chickens. I use the same mix, but add corn to it for the chickens. We have a feed store about 3 miles from the house that carries about anything you ask for. At present I'm using 4 parts barley, 4 parts oats, 1 part BOSS and 1 part beet pulp. I'm scrapping the beet pulp next time...neither the rabbits nor the chickens will eat it, LOL. I may try fermenting it when the weather is warmer and I can do it outside. I buy the 50# bags.
The rabbits get theirs straight up and also have a salt/mineral block as well as unlimited grass hay, a couple good handfuls of alfalfa and plenty of fresh veggies each day.
For the chickens, I pour the mix in a pan for them and then toss around some cracked corn for scratch. They also have free access to grit and calcium supplement. They get all sorts of weeds and veggie scraps each day and I like to supplement their protein quite a bit with things like yogurt, meat scraps, cooked dried beans, and cheese.
Fermenting grains is a great way to stretch your feed budget for the chickens. They love it and it's easy, but if I do it in the house I end up with gazillions of those pesky little fruit flies...so I'll wait till warmer weather to start up again outside. In fact, if you know anyone who makes their own beer, grab up their spent grain if you can...the chickens will think you're a god if you feed'em that! LOL Come fall when greens are harder to find, we'll start growing fodder for both the chicks and buns...that will also help stretch that food dollar.
Everybody is fat and sassy and healthy and happy