when it rains it popples!!

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Staff member
Jun 20, 2010
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western washington
Some may remember how frusrated I was getting about 6 months ago, I had a wonderful NZR doe, and at first she wouldn't settle, then she had a half-mutt litter, and then on her second (purebred) litter she up and died. :cry:

I was having an awful time finding replacement stock, I was beginning to doubt my sanity and I started to think that I should have stuck with mutts.

Well, then my two half-NZ does raised 19 together on their first litters(now 5 weeks old), and my purebred doe just gave me 10 fat and healthy kits! I have 2 more promising purebred doelings growing out, and I am about to be swimming in bunnies! So, some encouragement to the newbies--stick it out!! :D
Good for you! I"m still on the downswing here, after swimming in bunnies for two years I have a popple famine going on. A litter born on June 17 turned out to be two (both doing well) and a litter due last week turned out to be one lonely little popple born on Saturday, which is actually doing surprisingly well, likely due to the warm weather. Like you say, though, I"m sticking it out. Things have to turn around sometime! On the bright side, the computer AND internet are working at the same time so I can actually post here (for now). Never quite know how long it will last, though...
Wonderful news :) So happy for you! We have had a few surprise kindlings here from an escapee American buck. (one of the problems when you have floor colonies...ONE escaped buck and a month later you have a gazillion kits!) Unfortunately the colony he got into was the Angoras :x BIG kits compared to the straight angoras but...geeez.
SA-WEET!!!!!!! Congrats! I'm so happy for you, and happy you hung in there!!
glad its all working for ya!!! exciting! i had a terrible time starting out. my first rabbit was a broken choc polish. when we first picked him out the breeder pointed out that he had a tiny bit of discharge in his right eye, and they said if it turned into something i could bring him back. me, being a newbie, made the stupid mistake of bringing the polish home, and of course it turned out that he had snuffles. so, 2 weeks later, i brought the polish back, hoping to get another polish, broken black this time. when the pulled that broken black out of the cage, they found that its teeth were malocludded so they lead me around the rabbit barn and said i could pick pretty much whatever i wanted. as soon as i felt that satin fur i was hooked. i took home a junior white satin buck. lo and behold, 2 months later he pulled out his tooth and i had to sell him. i then (finally) bought a pair of satins, both broken blacks, buck and doe. the buck seemed fine but the doe never gained weight. several months later, the doe went off her feed and water and seemed severely distressed. 12 hours later, we took her to the vet, where she died :cry: a necropsy determined that she had a very dangerous and "sudden death" strain of pnumonia in her lungs that had probably manifested itself before we even bought her. the buck, thankfully, did not have it. by that point, i was considering selling my one remaining rabbit, the buck, and finding an easier hobby. but after a month hiatus, i decided that i might as well try one last time. we found a great breeder this time, who sold me a wonderful 2 1/2 year old brood doe. we bought her bred, and got a great first litter of 6, all of which survived. since then, my herd has begun to grow, and i feel like i'm pretty well established now. but, i did make some pretty stupid mistakes at first. just goes to show that your story isn't the only one out there and you do just have to persevere. I am so glad i decided to keep trying :D