What's the longest gestation your does have had?

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Dec 18, 2013
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We have a meat mutt (bred to NZW buck) that we bred Dec 5. We were looking for babies a week and a half ago, when day after day she didn't have kits, I assumed that she had missed.

We go out this morning to feed/water and she has had 10 babies :p

I have never had a doe go 40 days before. Is that normal at all???
Past 33 is definitely not normal and most of mine are 30 to 32. However, I have a doe regularly birth on day 35 or 36 but the longest was a Mini Lop doe who went 38 days - I had pulled the next box so they were on the wire but she made a great nest and was in the house so I found them at 6:30am and got them in time
Wow! No, that is not normal, and especially not to have a live litter after that long! Congratulations! :p

I had a doe go 41 days once. There were two alive out of seven, and one of those died at two weeks, having furred out but never grown. The other survived and grew up to help fill our freezer.

Someone on here beat me recently... went 42 days, I think. Not that it's a record you ever want to beat! :x
Mine kindle early not late. 30days was average with one having a live litter at 20days. Thought I had my dates wrong but everyone else I bred at that time went the expected dates for 29-32 days.
I'm glad they were all alive and well!
I just had a Mini Lop come on day 37, and the earliest I've had is day 28.
I've noticed usually big litters tend to come earlier, and small litters will come later.
But your doe had 10 at 40 days, she is definitely not following the rules, lol!
KKRabbitry":3t4llrn3 said:
I'm glad they were all alive and well!
I just had a Mini Lop come on day 37, and the earliest I've had is day 28.
I've noticed usually big litters tend to come earlier, and small litters will come later.
But your doe had 10 at 40 days, she is definitely not following the rules, lol!

I haven't found any correlation between the two. I've had 12 come at day 36, and 3 at day 30. Seems that my buns follow no rules at all!
longest was day 34, most of mine are pretty consistent and if I don't see nesting behavior by day 29 I am pretty sure they aren't pregnant. Always give them a chance though because weird stuff (like with your doe) happens.
This past fall I had a NZW doe, 3rd litter, that had 8 of 10 kits alive on day 38. I had pulled the next box on day 35. Thank goodness for baby saver wire.
New here, and new to rabbits. This caught my attention because my second litter ever came on day 43. I bred my 2 does on the same day and the first kindled on day 30, after a few days I was almost convinced the other was not pregnant. I was going to give her 2 weeks before I bred her again, but 1 day shy of that she kindled a litter of 8.
May1802":1tzwgefk said:
We have a meat mutt (bred to NZW buck) that we bred Dec 5. We were looking for babies a week and a half ago, when day after day she didn't have kits, I assumed that she had missed.

We go out this morning to feed/water and she has had 10 babies :p

I have never had a doe go 40 days before. Is that normal at all???

I had a doe years ago that went, I believe it was 36 days...I'm not sure because I assumed she didn't take and took out the nest box and everything and then all of a sudden she had a nice large litter. Saved em all.
Really hopeful to read this post! I have a mini lop doe that is currently on day 36, so was starting to worry that she had not taken, she has built a nest and was hair pulling in day 34. I have felt her under belly this morning and nipples enlarged.
She is nut in any kind of distress and acting normal.
Really hopeful to read this post! I have a mini lop doe that is currently on day 36, so was starting to worry that she had not taken, she has built a nest and was hair pulling in day 34. I have felt her under belly this morning and nipples enlarged.
She is nut in any kind of distress and acting normal.
My earliest litter was my NZ doe's third and she went on day 27. Had a litter of 9 on the wire cause i put boxes in on day 28. No survivors.

My latest litter was my NZ x rex who finally went on day 37 and also had 9 HUGE babies. She normally is like clockwork on day 31.