A gold tipped steel is just a fancy name for a chestnut with the steel gene affecting ring colour.
Any agouti based colour can come in steel (except frosty) so you can have chocolate agouti steel, opal steel and lynx steel.
If the rabbit is chinchilla, chocolate chin, squirrel(blue chin) or lilac chin then they are called "silver tipped steels"
Steel is the most dominant of the 4 possibilities on the E-locus, so a rabbit that has a feel gene should produce 50% steel kits.
I'm not sure what a dutch steel is genetically but I'll do a quick check and get back to you.
A "Steel Dutch" is genetically a silver tipped steel and not gold - A_ B_ cchd_ D_ Es_ dudu
So basically a steel chinchilla.
The dutch breeders call their chestnut coloured rabbits "grey" just to make things more confusing