:? BigGurl - Frosty A a B _ chd c D _ e e*
No way to fill in blanks until after breeding - recommended test: to lilac variety*
:A because she's an agouti type
:a because her mother's self
:B because she's black variety:chd because she's chinchilla variety:
c because her dad's REW

because she's non-dilute variety
:ee because she's non-extension BigGurl's Mom - Broken Blacka a B b C chd D d E e*Has she ever produced a blue, or have a blue parent?
(Grandsire Blue) If yes, the 2nd blank is "d"*Has she ever produced a chocolate (not tort)? If yes[b
],(Bred to REW NZ produced a Chocolate STEEL)[/b] 1st blank is "b"
:aa because she's self
:B because she's black variety
:C because she's full-color:chd because she's produced chinchilla when bred to a REW

because she's non-dilute variety
:E because she's full extension variety
:e because she's produced non-extension Big Show - REWA a _ _ c c D d _ e / _ vv from his BEW parent...as other parent was REW, no way to tell if it was also vienna*Has he ever been bred to a chocolate variety? If yes, what colors did he produce? If black variety babies, he has "B". If any chocolate variety, he has "b".*Has he ever been bred to a non-extension rabbit (tort, fawn, etc.)? If yes, what color did he produce? If any full extension colors, he has "E"
:A because he's produced agoutis when bred to a self:a because he's produced self:cc because that is the code for REW

because he's produced black when bred to blue:
d because he's produced blue
:e because he's produced non-extension>Big Show's REW parent and grandparent would carry self
:? :? (a), since their parents were black (and those black parents would carry REW
[c])>Big Show's Steel grandparent carries vienna (amazing it wasn't Vienna-marked itself!),
self (a)
and blue
(d) since its parent is a blue, and probably also carries REW
(c) since that's usually what "white" refers to>Big Show's BEW grandparent carries non-extension
(e) since it has a Fawn parent<br /><br />__________ Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:08 am __________<br /><br />Thank you to a friend who took the time to figure all this out Good grief LOL