What would make a good cross?

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Bjelovar, Croatia
Hello everybunny.
I've been planning to get another doe for my colony, but simply can not settle on the breed/colour. I have a NZR buck and a mutt doe, and would like to get another doe that doesn't carry E (I want to avoid Chestnuts anyway possible). With only 3.5 kilograms, my 6mo buck is rather small NZ I guess, and I did got interested in French Lops, but they seem to be giants and I am concerned that the mating will not be successful. Is there any other breed (besides NZs and Calis) that would make good cross with NZ? I mean like suitable in size and still good for commercial purposes. Also, I know this isn't the right place to ask, but would it be wise to breed harlequin/magpie to the NZR? Thanks in advance, - Marko.
There are tons of less common meat breeds. The argents, chinchillas, american sables, silver fox, cinnamon, french lop, harlequin, hotot, palomino, rex, silver marten... and many others have commercial type that could be used for meat purposes. You just have to narrow down what you can find in your area and the quality of the rabbits. If a breed is only bred for show purposes it often loses production ability and is a less effective meat animal. You want to ask about such things as litter sizes, how frequently they breed ( rabbits producing many larger litters a year is a better indicator than someone who breeds once or twice a year for show), growth rate, and adult size.

Some semi arch breeds are used for meat and especially crosses but the giants can add too much bone so you get less meat for their weight and they often grow slower and eat more to build all that frame. It can still be a useful crossing depending on your rabbits.

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