So I had a gal come over today who has rabbits from a herd that I know full well.
She was going to bring a doe for breeding, which if they pass my health inspection (and I ONLY do this from herds I know who haven't brought in outside rabbits), I would breed for a kit back. It's a step up for new to the breed, breeders.
This doe had NOT SNOT... it's was like filmy liquid dripping from her nose.
She's had a doe for over a month, has never seen anything icky wise from these rabbits.
I chalked it up to the weather but... oh my.. I wasn't going to breed her. I wouldn't have anyways as she was horribly fat and that just doesn't work well.
I ended up selling her an adult buck and just letting her figure that out at her own place. I didn't let the rabbit can anywhere near mine.
So as this doe had us both stumped I'm asking...what could this have been?
It didn't look like pasteurella snot. It didn't really have the texture of snot. and it was just one long drip... could it have been heat stress like I thought it was???
She was going to bring a doe for breeding, which if they pass my health inspection (and I ONLY do this from herds I know who haven't brought in outside rabbits), I would breed for a kit back. It's a step up for new to the breed, breeders.
This doe had NOT SNOT... it's was like filmy liquid dripping from her nose.
She's had a doe for over a month, has never seen anything icky wise from these rabbits.
I chalked it up to the weather but... oh my.. I wasn't going to breed her. I wouldn't have anyways as she was horribly fat and that just doesn't work well.
I ended up selling her an adult buck and just letting her figure that out at her own place. I didn't let the rabbit can anywhere near mine.
So as this doe had us both stumped I'm asking...what could this have been?
It didn't look like pasteurella snot. It didn't really have the texture of snot. and it was just one long drip... could it have been heat stress like I thought it was???