What to put on wood cage

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2012
Reaction score
My rbbits like to chew at the cage if they dont have food at all times. Can I put some wasabi on it :)
Toys, branches, hay and/or cardboard boxes. Sounds like they are bored.
If they are chewing wood, it should be covered in wire.
Lizardslaps":4fnopfjx said:
I thought they needed wood to gnaw on to shorten there teeth or make them more razer sharp
This is what the toys out wood are for not the cage lol.
fishdip":27jyvwq9 said:
My rbbits like to chew at the cage if they dont have food at all times.

That puts a whole new twist on "eating you out of house and home".
MamaSheepdog":3396av74 said:
fishdip":3396av74 said:
My rbbits like to chew at the cage if they dont have food at all times.

That puts a whole new twist on "eating you out of house and home".
Lol Aint that the truth
I give my Rabbits Mulberry branches and they love to chew those. Keeps them busy and happy sharpening their teeth. I hope they stay nice and Happy don't want no vampire bunny here.
I don't do store bought toys, but do give cardboard boxes, toilet paper rolls stuffed with hay to help my bunnies with their chewing needs. Plus it keeps them from getting bored which then leads to destructive habits. I found these things useful when I first got rabbits and they were in a wood chicken coop. I've since gone to wire and plastic crates, but found when one is bored they will try to chew on the wire so the cardboard and hay filled rolls do keep them busy. Plus the straw mats do wonders too. They have a ball digging on it and chewing it up.
