Well-known member
It seems to be raining problems today.
One doe had her kits beside the nest box but pulled enough fur so I could save five of the six. She is still bleeding and is v*e*r*y c*a*l*m* which is never a good sign. She is in the nest box with the five surviving kits, letting me pet her. She NEVER lets me pet her.
My beautiful blue rex buck that has been worrying me the last two days due to sudden weight loss is now drooling and has diarrhea. I am checking him hourly and offering treats and comfort but he isn't looking so good. He made it just fine through 30 days of quarantine but is now trying to break my heart. Had just started letting myself get close to him.
And another doe is busy building her nest on day 40! Had given up on her so was really surprised to find a fur explosion in her cage.
Oh, and the day 39 doe from yesterday seems to have had about a thousand kits! Havnt counted them but wow! FULL nest box. :shock:
And to top it all off, I keep having to direct a basket case piglet buyer how to get here because she keeps getting lost.
I think I need more tea! :lol:
One doe had her kits beside the nest box but pulled enough fur so I could save five of the six. She is still bleeding and is v*e*r*y c*a*l*m* which is never a good sign. She is in the nest box with the five surviving kits, letting me pet her. She NEVER lets me pet her.
My beautiful blue rex buck that has been worrying me the last two days due to sudden weight loss is now drooling and has diarrhea. I am checking him hourly and offering treats and comfort but he isn't looking so good. He made it just fine through 30 days of quarantine but is now trying to break my heart. Had just started letting myself get close to him.
And another doe is busy building her nest on day 40! Had given up on her so was really surprised to find a fur explosion in her cage.
Oh, and the day 39 doe from yesterday seems to have had about a thousand kits! Havnt counted them but wow! FULL nest box. :shock:
And to top it all off, I keep having to direct a basket case piglet buyer how to get here because she keeps getting lost.
I think I need more tea! :lol: