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Mar 5, 2011
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So I picked up some free rabbits, 2 pedigreed Al's Cals, pure Cal w/no paper and a registered/pedigreed Al's Cal buck. Deal is that I breed the two does and I let the lady buy weanlings for a discounted price. All good to me. Got a pen for each to be on pasture and a few metal feeders. :D Also told her I had other kits and she will contact me in a month to buy some, finally have a repeat customer and a place for extra buns to go. :D

She told me the buck used to breed well, good litters from him and the does, but in July he went sterile or something and the litters got smaller and smaller. He hasn't been able to sire any offspring ever since. When I flipped him, it looks like he has urine burn or some kind of issue with his sacks and willy. Yes, that is his blood you see. He's a 3.5 year old buck.
Wondering what it is that he has and is it easily treatable [bother fixing him or just eat him]; could that be why the does aren't getting pregnant?

Also, the paperless doe has a small scab on her vulva, similar to the buck's issue. My guess is w/e the buck has, this doe for sure has it, too. One pedigreed doe is clear/clean, purple and wanting to breed. I didn't check the third doe, had to find them water, shade and take pictures before it got dark on me.

They look pretty good from the outside, fairly calm for me. Lady said I must be a rabbit whisperer, since they didn't claw me when I took them out of their carriers. Tehehe :D






Boy, that looks awful!

I would suspect some type of venereal disease, but have never seen it in person, so I don't know.

Hopefully someone will know the answer... but whatever you do, don't breed the does to any of your bucks until you find out what it is and if it is treatable.

They are very good looking rabbits, by the way.

Thanks, they are out near the gate for QT. They'll be put up in cages for the wedding as to not move them closer to my other buns.

I'm hoping it's something I can fix, since I will treat the 3 does for it, even if I decide to eat him instead. Though, he is pedigreed....hmm.
I'll get pics of the doe with the scab tomorrow.<br /><br />__________ Wed May 01, 2013 8:35 pm __________<br /><br />Oh, do the two Al's Cals look a bit fat to you guys? They felt a bit squishy.
having error issues with this post I'm trying...bear with me as I try to figure out what is causing it to screw up and post my message....

I found this, where the bucks might be hutch burn/wet grass burn.

__________ Wed May 01, 2013 9:02 pm __________

As for the does, no idea.

http://z13.invisionfree.com/RabbitHabbi ... t15557.htm

__________ Wed May 01, 2013 9:04 pm __________

I do have pen. i. cill. in. Should I start them on it or?

Pen.i.cill.in is the error word, in case you were wondering.
Some rabbits with bacterial infections of the lower urinary tract may not show any signs, but many more do. A few of the more common signs include
Bloody urine (hematuria)
Thick, beige- or brown-colored urine
Urinary incontinence, especially during confinement or at places that are not customary (i.e., locations he has not peed before)
Frequent urination, but only in small amounts
Skin scalding/burns due to urine, especially around genitals and hind legs

I got that information from http://www.petmd.com/rabbit/conditions/ ... YIQe8rzn1s
Interesting, I'll check that out and see if I can find OTC drugs for it.

__________ Thu May 02, 2013 11:07 am __________

Not finding pictures of it at all. Can't find much info on what to treat with either, other than 'go to vet.'

Poops from all of them look small and dry, but otherwise normal.
The paperless doe is digging a hole, thinking I should palpate them to see if any are carrying or just digging for fun.<br /><br />__________ Fri May 03, 2013 11:15 am __________<br /><br />Anyone else have ideas?
No ideas.....but ouch, :shock: that looks painful!
Looks like VD to me, seen similar scabbing before that was VD on a buck. Would explain why no kids and why looks scabby. I'd check the does and the other buck really well, if it is the case the one has it but not the other then they could just be carriers and not show symptoms and need treated too.
What do I use and how much for how long to treat VD? I want to try treating them for something rather than just waiting around.
I have pen.icillin and terimacyin, I'll Google VD again and see if either will work on them.
Looks like it's pen B, is that the same as straight pen.icillin?? I never figured that out...

4 pound rabbit gets 1/4 to 1/2 cc’s. So these guys would get 1/2 to 1 cc.

"According to Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery by Katherine E Quesenberry and James W. Carpenter, my source for this article, pen.icillin G benzathine-pen.icillin G procaine (sold as Combi-Pen and commonly referred to as pen B) administered at 7-day intervals for 3 injections (42,000 to 84,0000 IU per kilogram of rabbit weight given subcutaneously) is an appropriate treatment.

My Combi-Pen has 300,000 IU per milliliter. A 4-lb. rabbit weighs 1.8 kg. The range for a 4 lb. rabbit is therefore 75,600 to 151,200 IU or 1/4 to 1/2 mililitters or cc’s. The convention many breeders use is 1/10 cc per pound. Please make your own calculations and consult your vet before administering medications.

If you use Pen G, then you must give it for 5 to 7 days straight intramuscular. I find this treatment harder on the rabbit’s GI tract, though, and harder to administer. Other breeders have found that vent disease is more likely to reoccur with the Pen G treatment."

I don't get that, why are there two ways for the same[?] drug? Just depending on which way you choose to give it [under skin or in muscle]?

http://www.thenaturetrail.com/rabbit-he ... treatment/
i've been told that under the skin is preferred for treatment of rabbits. Anything else is too hard on their digestive tract.

Generally if one has it, treating all is the best approach. It is a contact illness.
Thanks RT for getting the bug fixed so can post... :)

It can usually be taken care of using Penicillin with Benzathene. I've only seen a few people complain a few rabbits that never or had reoccurring problems, but I'd be willing to guess there was just more than VD going on there too or they had been treated incorrectly or so much there was resistance built up. The way I've treated it is 1/10 cc per pound of weight under skin at nape of neck and then again once every week for 4 more weeks. Barbie Brown's suggestions is more intense, do it for 3 days straight and then one once a week for 3 more weeks. Since its been this long, and not knowing exactly how it came about, the more aggressive treatment might be a good idea. Its better to knock it the first time then just push it under. Stopping after the first or second treatment even if there are no more signs will not do any good, it doesn't guarantee its gone just pushed out of site. Topical ointment might make it feel better and help speed recovery of the scab places but it will not cure it. Probiotics might want to be used too. I never have, but I know some people suggest it with most medication.

Here's the link for her site if you want to read her entire thought on VD:
What's the difference between just a vial of penicillin and pen B? Just the Benzathene, if so, what makes it better/needed instead of straight penicillin?
B is long lasting, the other is not. In depth understanding I do not have, just accepted as is plus didn't want to give shots more than had to when needed to. I'll have to do some digging on that to see what can turn up.<br /><br />__________ Sun May 05, 2013 12:59 am __________<br /><br />Did a quick look, seems like common thing is Pen G most have little or no success and pop ups as it doesn't clear it as well. Plus requires several more shots than the other does.

Notes differences in Pens:
http://cpharm.vetmed.vt.edu/vm8784/anti ... illins.htm

VD and Treatment with Pen G and Pen with B
http://www.thenaturetrail.com/rabbit-he ... treatment/
I'm not seeing pen B on the list and it says pen G is in muscle only. Are those other people doing this pen G in muscle?

I got my info from that same site, but it says " penicillin G benzathine-penicillin G procaine (sold as Combi-Pen and commonly referred to as pen B)"
What I have is "Procaine Penicillin G", is the website just wrong/typo?