what do you like/not like/wish you had in your set up?

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Nov 5, 2011
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hello! i am planning my rabbitry and was wondering what everyone's thoughts might be. so what do you like in your rabbitry? what do you not like? wish you had something? wish you could change certian things? or just things you would ideally have in your dream rabbitry.

and if you could have a 6x10ft "office" right next to your rabbit set up what would you have in it? and any other tips or advice are welcome.
thanks :)

BTW my set up will be a colony of sorts but i am interested to see what everyone says about their own set ups.
I wouldn't have it there, rabbits, tend to get a little strong...
i wish it was twice as big so I could grow out the bucks and does in separate colonies instead of with the breeders.

Why would you need an office? All you need is a table with something that has traction like carpet in order to evaluate rabbits, tattoo, and write on pedigrees.
She needs an office for her computer so RT is only a few short steps away! :D

I am thinking about your question, oatgirl, and will get back to you later.
if I had a six by 10 office. I'd have a 4 x5 area do up in something REALLY washable, and turn it into a killing/cleaning area. the remainder would be a posing table, a book/writing table, scale, medication area (so like a small fridge or something), and have a small heater in it. A small freezer for body parts and dead rabbits would be a handy thing to have as well.

NOW>> as to what I would want for the rest of the rabbitry.

A strict quarantine area. Separate room, separate ventilation, separate feed, hay etc.

A viewing area. With a floor spot for children to sit with bunnies as they play. This is where all for sale bunnies would be kept.

A rabbit proof, easily cleaned running area. About.. oh.. 10 of them. :) each area being at least 3 x 4.

what else would I have....
Water proof storage
Shelves for storing everything

that I think is it.. I could go on and on.. but that's the basics. :)
a magic wand-- so that as I tought of things, or wanted tot ry different things, all I would need to do is give a wave with a flousih at the end of the wand-- Bippety Boppety BOO!
haha :) thanks for the answers. yes i could go a for a magic wand right now with the goats.

the barn doesnt have electricity. but i wonder if my laptop wifi would reach out in the barn... lol. something to think about. i will have feed and things like nail trimmers and a calender out there. i will have some shelves and a large shelf/table to put them on. am drawing things out now.
i think i may end up making two little grow out areas in there for the weaned kits that i won't be keeping in the colony. have to see though.

please keep em coming :)<br /><br />__________ Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:38 pm __________<br /><br />and also, my slaughtering area will be about 15ft away from the rabbit area. it is a covered porch kinda of area attached to the barn.
Rule Number One: ALWAYS have more room than you think you'll need, including room for growouts.

In my future bunny barn (I've never had a real one), I want good insulation in the walls, electricity and running water (including automated watering system). Bunny-safe vines on the outside walls for added insulation. I want a separate processing area (with refrigerator/freezer) and a place (with supplies storage) to do initial processing of pelts. I want a good-sized feed storage area and a place for bunny medical supplies, as well as a table to do things like clip nails, etc. Lots of storage for nest boxes, carriers, etc. I also like the idea of a place to sit on the floor and play with the bunnies without risk of their escaping, maybe another one outside so they can munch on grass and other bunny-safe plants. An attached greenhouse to grow bunny-safe greens year-round. Cameras set up inside the bunny barn so we can watch "Rabbit TV" whenever we want. And a good, strong lock to keep out two-legged predators and other idiots.
very good ideas. :)
and btw i am on my laptop in the barn right now. wifi is onbly like 2 of 5 bars but it works. ;) haha yay!
I like the camera idea i could check on rabbits without going downstairs.
Random Rabbit":268iuuc7 said:
My only addition would be a table, covered with carpet, and holding coops so i could play 'judge the bunnies' as we sort for the show string.
I thought of that, as well, but none of us are into showing, so it wouldn't do us much good, I think.
take what size of set up you are looking at
now double and
and you will kick yourself in a year or so

Also, a EASY to clean system
trays stack them up real nice (and keep them warm) but, it's alot of work.
trinityoaks":104dro3c said:
Random Rabbit":104dro3c said:
My only addition would be a table, covered with carpet, and holding coops so i could play 'judge the bunnies' as we sort for the show string.
I thought of that, as well, but none of us are into showing, so it wouldn't do us much good, I think.

Even if you aren't showing, you will probably evaluate your rabbits for whatever your goal is- you aren't going to want to keep an overall narrow rabbit for your meat breeders, for instance. Plus, the table will be a good place to groom, treat medical conditions, tattoo, etc.
well I'm getting the barn started. it's a 30x40 shop with cement floors. I've got some rows of cages in it now, but will be adding more soon. My wishes are, more cages, electricity, and a separate grow out area. Right next to the shop I have a good sized strip of unused land that I dream of making an exercise/play area. I started with a home built wooden hutch, so I'm movin' on up, slowly but surely.
rabbit urine + Cement
I do believe the salts and ammonia isn't good for cement, you should protect your floors, I'd do a garrage type epoxy paint sealer, with a wear coat over it like roofing tar or junk paint, or spare linoleum and such.

Also, consider a trough type clean out, where you have a sloped bounce board that goes to a gutter leading to out side
straw will clog them, easier on the smaller type, and you will need a LARGE source of water or a pressure washer to do your flush.
But if you have room, it's not a problem, hell you can eve do stacks (but usually only 2 with that type of system.

SOMEONE link the rabbit institute (I think out of U of Louisiana) definitive rabbit housing book.
MamaSheepdog":ib9y37qi said:
Even if you aren't showing, you will probably evaluate your rabbits for whatever your goal is- you aren't going to want to keep an overall narrow rabbit for your meat breeders, for instance. Plus, the table will be a good place to groom, treat medical conditions, tattoo, etc.
Well, my wish list already had a grooming table, so I guess that could double as an evaluation table, as well. With a scale nearby. :)
Jack, good suggestion about the cement floor. I'll do something of the sort. We already have plans for the sloped tray/gutter clean up system. Like I said, we're just getting it up and running.
Jack is right about those pans! If I had it to do over I would not have as many with pans. I like the indoors for the does with small kits ,but outside here is not that cold. I would have most of my rabbits outside with a large run colony style if I could.

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