What do you do with your retired breeders?

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
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What do you do with your retired breeders, cull, pet out, keep. In this case cull means to kill.
I haven't gotten to that point yet, but right now we plan to keep our retired breeders as pets.
I havent got to that point yer but I would probably either keep, if I have the room, or pet out.
My breeder is a little past two years. , she's at three litters with me, and I think 2-3 litters with the breeder. She seems tired. Maybe she just needs a break. If she is not a breeder, I really don't have room to keep her, but I feel bad about culling her.
I'm going to be replacing my buck, hopefully soon. He is only going to be 2, so I'll either sell him as a breeder or a pet.
As for my does, they are also young, but most likely will pet out. Unless they are in poor health, why not find them a pet home?
I personally have resolved to cull nonproductive does. To 'pet out' a rabbit that has not been raised as a pet may be a recipe for disaster in the long run. But I have walked into this rabbit thing with the understanding that these are livestock, not pets. I enjoy handling my rabbits and giving them the best quality of life as possible, and would not want to waste any time wondering if whomever I pawned off the retired breeding stock to was doing the same, or simply allowing them to live out their life in a small unclean cage somewhere, or worse.
i have one that is a pet, I have some that I culled, Most I have sold to other places either as breeders for one or two more litters, or as a pet.
I haven't met anyone that wants a full size Rex as a pet. They don't sell here, people want dwarfs. I suppose she could be a starter breeder for someone, though I think if she's done with me, she might be done, though that might not be true.
AS I have been actively cross breeding in a specific direction, I am often done with my breeders when they are a year or less old. As new bucks and does are used in the next crosses, there is no room to keep them although they are proven animals in the prime of life. If II am lucky, there are people looking for breeders. They are themselves in luck, because I am selling prime breeding stock for the same price as an 8 week old. One might ask why I would do this, and the reason is, that is the only alternative other than processing and I would rather the animal go to someone who can put it to good use.
It's a sticky question. In the past, I've butchered most ex-breeders. Felt a bit bad about it, but they are livestock here. One, Tao, a very nice buck, we euthanized and buried because he was not doing well. One of our current does, our matriarch, Alice (Tao's daughter) has achieved pet status and will be retired and kept as long as she is healthy and enjoys life. But she will have to give up her place in the colony and move to a cage. Most non-productive breeders become rabbit pie.
I think for most people the decision is made on a case by case basis- let's face it- there are some animals that you get more attached to than others. One of my original does, Feather, has not been as productive recently as I like... I am going to give her a couple more chances, and then... I'm not sure. Probably pie.
I"m not there yet either but I have my original buck Adam who will be with me until he dies. He's four and gentle and I"ve become quite attached to him. I haven't had a doe reach the end of her breeding potential yet so will play that by ear.
In my commercial herd....it's "produce" or good-bye. It sounds cold and harsh, but with as much time, effort, and money I've got tied up, I'm left with little choice.

I won't sell a sub-standard breeder....It goes against everything I've worked for. I had to wade through literally dozens upon dozens of inferior does to find the few "jewels" (three) that became my base for a good rabbitry. Why would I sell a doe, that I wouldn't want to keep for myself?

I've had some misgivings in having to put down an old doe that's given me her best. But, I can't afford to lose the cage/space. And I wouldn't give her away to some "home" for fear of her not being taken care of properly. It's more humane to put them down than to have them suffer the last of their days in neglectful care.

With all of the above rhetoric, I must confess...there's "Grandma" in one of my largest grow-out pens. She's given fresh hay each day and has been allowed to become fat in her old-age. I have absolutely no idea how old she is because she was "OLD" when I got her. She'll probably outlive my old grouchy butt!!

I either take them too the auction,sell them.or give them away.but i have small breeds.
i cull. but i use does that don't produce well, and i give many chances to a doe, simply because i don't need to produce a lot for just myself. i cull sort of as a last resort. but if i were seriously breeding a lot and for quality, i would be culling more without hesitation, like grumpy does. only makes sense. i won't be petting out retired or poor quality rabbits again. i did it once because i was downsizing and didn't have time to butcher them, but i won't be doing that again. they will either be in the freezer, or lynx food. they love rabbit.......thanks grumpy, wise words.
I don't have space to keep them as pets and most folks do not want a Cal as a pet. We usually cull them and use them for food. I would feel bad to waste them by not using them...
Right now i have more bucks than i need. I just debaiting on what to do with them. I read on another post. That this person will not eat a mature buck. Is there a reason for this?
YOu cant give them away at mature age unless someones wants a different line for breeding.I hate to cull them as they are so sweet in temperment and dont spray . I have my breeders that spray . I really hate that. I feed them every day and still cant bring myself to cull them. But i know i have to do something with them.
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":39yxsd17 said:
Right now i have more bucks than i need. I just debating on what to do with them.

You have such nice quality rabbits that I am sure someone would be interested in them. Are there any rabbit shows coming up in your area? You could offer them to the host club as raffle items. Or if there is a 4-H program or its Canadian equivalent, maybe you could start a youngster or two out with a breeding pair?
We're keeping our first round of breeders as pets. Once they're gone, they're gone... (okay, maybe we'll have one pet rabbit at a time after that for the kids). One of our first breeders, who would have died of old age, died of wool block instead. Her replacement won't have the luxury of being a permanent pet, and will be culled once she is no longer productive. The kids know this. I just don't have room, and don't want to take chances with petting out.
MamaSheepdog":dk0emm7i said:
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":dk0emm7i said:
Right now i have more bucks than i need. I just debating on what to do with them.

You have such nice quality rabbits that I am sure someone would be interested in them. Are there any rabbit shows coming up in your area? You could offer them to the host club as raffle items. Or if there is a 4-H program or its Canadian equivalent, maybe you could start a youngster or two out with a breeding pair?
THanks mammasheepdog. I just posted them on Kijji. Free to a good pet home or for breeders.I am just concertrating on my reds and broken reds. So the other colors i am not doing anymore. So the bucks are up for grabs. The does will be wants they wean there kits.

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