What colors?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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Here are some kit pics, I'm wondering about their colors mainly for fun/general interest.
They are Am Chin mom crossed with Cali buck.

Love this first one!


Next one is not white or off white. This is the actual color. I have another, but it's a runt and may not make it. Pic in nest with a white kit with it. Even gray all over this guy.


Two little kits and then in nest.


First one looks like a Chinchilla, Second one possibly opal or maybe smoke pearl (not sure how it could be a shaded though) and the last two steel maybe??
1st pic and 2nd pic are of the same rabbit.

The middle two pics, #3 & #4 are the same bun.

Last two, #5 & #6 are two separate kits.
Chin, sable of some type (if it's blue based it's smoke pearl, if it's black based which they will still look blue grey as kits then it's plain sable), steel and some blacks and rews. That means your NZ is a hidden steel and your chin is carrying sable aka light chin. If it turns out to be a smoke pearl both are carrying blue but like I said they are blue grey even when black based sable as kits. Camera lighting could be throwing the color off just enough to make it look smoke pearl.
akane":jk87r4ad said:
Chin, sable of some type (if it's blue based it's smoke pearl, if it's black based which they will still look blue grey as kits then it's plain sable), steel and some blacks and rews. That means your NZ is a hidden steel and your chin is carrying sable aka light chin. If it turns out to be a smoke pearl both are carrying blue but like I said they are blue grey even when black based sable as kits. Camera lighting could be throwing the color off just enough to make it look smoke pearl.

American Chinchilla doe crossed with Californian buck.
No NZ here.
For some reason I was thinking NZW for the other C gene instead of cali. Not sure where you got steel then. It should show up on a chin as silver tipped.
Gold tipped steel are just the ones that didn't get the chin gene with it. Are you sure she isn't a silver tipped steel herself?
I have no idea what the doe's color would be. Never asked what she was, lol.
Here's the big girl.
<br /><br />__________ Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:46 pm __________<br /><br />Doesn't help any?
looks very much like a sable type. chins can carry the sable light gene. I was really hoping mine carried it.
Here are some crappy pics of the kits from 3 days ago. Lost one of the dark gray kits to the heat. That light colored one looks awesome, light gray is still cute, too. But that kit's pic didn't turn out well. I'll get glamor pics another day, when it's a little cooler out.
<br /><br />__________ Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:34 pm __________<br /><br />