What colors could my mini rex does have?

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Aug 1, 2014
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I have two mini rex rabbits that I'm going to breed by the end of August. The dam is black and she has broken black, chocolates and lilacs in your background. She does have the blue gene because I'm keeping one of her kits that is a blue. The buck I want to breed her with is a black otter. He has broken chocolate otter, blues etc. So I was wondering when I breed them to each other what will the colors of the babies be. I will also be breeding him to my chocolate doe who has broken lilac, broken chocolate, chocolate and lilac. So what colors would there babies be?
1st breeding pair is Black and Black Otter
2nd breeding pair is Chocolate and Black Otter(same rabbit).
Depends on if the otter carries self, blue or chocolate and if the dams carry blue or chocolate:

Black x black otter
- if he carries self then 50% of the kits should be otters of some sort if not then 100% will be otters
-If he doesn't carry blue or chocate then black is the only possibilty
- if they both carry blue OR chocolate then 75% should be black based and 25% can be blue OR chocolate
- if they carry both blue AND chocolate then statistically 56.25% black, 18.75% blue, 18.75% chocolate and 6.25% lilac based

Chocolate x black otter
-same applies to the chance of otters.
-if the buck carries chocolate then 50% black and 50% chocolate
- if she carries blue (she will if she had a lilac parent) and the buck carries blue AND chocolate then statistically 56.25% black, 0% blue, 18.75% chocolate and 25% lilac based
On the pedigrees for the black doe, its just broken black, lilacs and chocolates, the chocolate doe just carries lilacs and chocolates with some brokens in it and the black otter have broken otter chocolate, blue, black, and black otter but he does have Ruby-eyed white but its the 3rd generation.

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