Just got this Lionhead baby today... she was given to me by a man that raises them. I am not sure what color you call her.... can anyone help me? Thanks. :bunnyhop:
I thought blue as well, until I saw the black center on the nose. Then I thought it must be called black, but that's my guessing since I'm new to colors. If I'm right, yay!
Thank you all... I know she looked blue to me too... but there are so many 'color names' I wasnt for sure what it was called. I cant wait to get more now....lol. ( And Thank you for the "Welcome" as well)
lol... i vote CONFUSED!!!! lol so... what is she?????? Blue, Black, Opal or Chin???? This color thing messes me up.
__________ Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:27 pm __________
Okay, since I am confused on the first one...lol... might as well go all out. What color is this one? I got him from the same guy I got my female from... he lost the parents to the heat and had to place this one and the litter mates, so I bought all of them. They are eating good on their own and everything... THANKFULLY. The litter mates are REW's, but not sure on this one.
<br /><br />__________ Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:27 pm __________<br /><br />Here is another picture of my little doe... and also the buck that I got to go with her. What color is the buck????
I am no good at colors but I still say the she looks blue! and the other one looks like a tort.<br /><br />__________ Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:42 pm __________<br /><br />I am no good at colors but I still say the she looks blue! and the other one looks like a tort.
Look at the nose marking. It's black in the middle. You can't get that dark with a blue.
I debated tort but the dark markings just don"t seem right or enough of them. It doesn't match our torts
but I have a ton of sooty reds running about that are somewhere between a chestnut, which also has that side swirl of dark, and a red in color while I know they are too red for chestnuts.