What are urgent signs of anemia in a flea-infested lionhead rabbit?

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Sep 23, 2024
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United Kingdom
I have recently rescued a 3ish year old lion head and she has fleas and they are severe enough that she has some hair loss. What are signs that I need to immediately rush to a vet for anemia and is there something I can feed her to boost iron. We have already sat and brushed and picked out all the live fleas. She has a vet appointment next week.
Pale gums, parts that should be pink (depending on the rabbit color) will look white, cold extremities, lethargy, rapid breathing even at rest.

If your rabbit is happily eating, she will likely be fine. You can put a small spoonful of blackstrap molasses in her water, you can even add a small iron washer to the water bottle, and offer dark leafy greens, like blackberry leaves, kale, parsley in addition to her regular food. If she does not like the water additions do not continue--drinking enough is more important than having the iron. Offer one bottle with molasses, one plain. There are also mineral salt licks that have iron in them--the brown ones. They will be at feed stores and big box pet stores.

You can also do nothing, if she is eating, she will recover now that the fleas are gone.