Well.. that worked well

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
five of seven growers with unexpected loose stools.

Remembered I fed lots of greens the day before (spinach/swiss chard/beet greens) and went hmm... I wonder if a night of just hay will clear them up.

It did. Though they were none to happy about it.

Five non slooshy sounding tummies, all normal poops. Happy eager for pets and food this morning. :) Silly lads.

life is good. They (the affected five) are still in a separate cage marked for consumption as two of the seven had no reaction at all. :) Shucks though...the two I had earmarked as potential keepers were among the lot....
I wouldn't blame them if they had loose poops from too much greens. That's never a write off for me, only because I know the cause - me and my generous feeding!
it is for me, since two of the seven had no problems, and my goal is to produce rabbits I can do most anything with and they'll roll with the punches. This shows me which ones have the weaker digestive systems. Having majorly battled with digestive issues I have NO desire to ever go back there again. Have a strong digestive system and make my list for staying.