Well...not such a good day today

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
Found Ginny dead. She was the doe from Carrie's last litter that I kept back as a potential keeper and has been in the isolation tent forever. I haven't liked how she's been growing out, and this morning she was dead. So obviously something not right with her.

Caught Carrie who is down to skin and bones as she won't eat anything other than grass and a couple mouthfuls of grain. And so I put her out of her misery.

Moved Old Jack into the spare guinea pig hutch outside as he's arthritic and I think being on the grass will be better for his bones. Boy ... did he ever complain about me moving him. Just grumbling with discomfort. Overall seems pleased with his new accommodations though. It's a 3 x 2 cage, part wood floor part wire sits directly on the grass.

life is kinda sucky today.....
That's too bad. :cry: But that's rabbits, unfortunately.

I noticed a smallish one in a litter of three (!) last week, and found it dead yesterday. And I have a couple of does that I wonder why I'm still feeding them. :?
Jack LOVES being in the outdoor hutch. He sits by the wire and just looks and looks and looks.

He made me laugh last night when I gave him his oats... he was certain that I was a lady friend and tried grabbing my coat.

Hubby dear went out to give him a pat and said wow....Jack has really gotten old hasn't he? He's turning grey! He'll like being out here this summer.