Weight Versus Feed

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New member
Aug 17, 2013
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Hello everyone, this will be my first post here. How do you determine how much fodder to feed? Ad lib? I imagine it would be based on the weight of the rabbit. What if you were feeding for a specific rate of gain? Thank you so much!
Glad to have you with us, Hotot! :welcome:

I think we would need more detail before attempting to answer this question. How old is the rabbit and what breed? What else are you feeding it besides fodder? It is really difficult to advise without knowing the circumstances.
Thank you for the quick response and warm welcome!

This is just a general question. I have read between 5% and 6% of body weight should be fed.

3 type of fodder are rotated each day: barley, clover and BOSS, with ad lib minerals.

Blanc de Hotot rabbits, two mature bucks, two mature does. Currently not bred or lactating, but raising a few fryers is eventually the plan.

Would also eventually like to build a rabbit tractor to utilize "pasture" when the weather is nice.
Welcome to the forum. I've always just used trial and error. Just run your finger down the backbone daily. If it feels lightly padded your feeding is about right. If it feels sharply defined your rabbit is thin and needs more feed. If you have trouble feeling it at all it is too fat, back off the feed.

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