Weight Guides for FG as they grow?

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
South River, Ontario
I saw the meat rabbit growth charts on another thread and wondered if anyone knew of a reference for weights at 4 week weigh in relative to grow out size for Flemish Giants?

I know they are slow growers, and my kits aren't pb but I curious if they are close to averages expected for FG at this age... Is 4 week weight even an indicator of adult size?

My 'mostly' FG kits are all in and around the 1 lb. Mark at 4 weeks, litter of 10.
It's not that Flemish are slow growers - it's just that they tend to grow bone before muscle/meat so it takes longer to get a good carcass off of them

My 1/4 Flemish 1/4 NZ and 1/2 AmChins usually got to 5 pounds before 10 weeks but many were gangly looking suckers without much meat on their bones so I waited to butcher them to improve my dress out percentage

I'd say 1 pound at 4 weeks is on the very small end of the scale :(

What diet are you feeding? Pellets or forage/hay/grains?

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