weepy eye?? Help! She is due in four days!

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2013
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So I just noticed that the rim of my holland lop's eye is a bright red, there is some white protein like goo in the corner of her eye and the fur is slightly damp.

Is this weepy eye? She is not a nice pregnant bun and I am worried about applying topical treatment because I can't even feed her without her charging me.

This is a new development, her eye looks fine otherwise, she is a major digger and flips her litter box upside down all the time so that is how I think she got it.

Do I need to bring her to the vet? Or is there something I can do at home?
I would put polysporin eye drops in, or if you don't have/can't find those, then I would use contact lens solution(saline solution) to flush the eye, to make sure there is no irritants within it. If she has just irritated it by digging in the litter box, then that should fix it right up!
if she's not happy with you.. I'd leave her be until after she kindles and perhaps is somewhat less likely to take offense with you. A weepy eye won't kill her. I would be prone to isolate her though in case pregnancy is bringing out a hidden illness. Weepy eyes can be a sign of a worse illness.