Weed ID: Image heavy

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Aug 11, 2014
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Idabel, OK
#1 looks a bit like lambsquarter but the leaves have smooth edges. The leaves are hairy.



#2 First image is a tall pic second is what it looks like growing along the ground.


#3 This is Euphorbia dentata Toothed Spurge.



pretty purple flowers


#5 sorry about the junk this is by an old trash dump on our property I've feed a leaf from this to one of the grow outs and it didn't kill them Edit this is I think Beautyberry. I know we have that in the woods so makes sense. Will have to wait to see if it gets berries to know for sure.


#6 small plant grows like crazy in my father-in-laws garden. I'm constantly pulling it.

#7 looks a bit like marestail but the leaves are wide and longer.


#9 Pretty sure this is Cyperus retrorsus A type of Sedge

#10 The smaller brownish grass tips I think this is black grass also a type of sedge
#1 looks like Virginia Copperleaf, Acalypha virginica
#2 looks like sweet clover, Melilotus officinalis
#8 looks like horsetail, Equisetum arvense
#9 looks like nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus

I don't recognize the rest.

It's hard to know for sure just from one or two pictures, but those are the ones that I recognize from identifying on my own property. I know Virginia Copperleaf, horsetail and nutsedge are NOT bunny safe. (The "nuts" attached to the roots of nutsedge are edible to humans, though.) I have read that sweet clover is generally avoided as forage for rabbits, because it is high in oxalic acid and also can pose a seriously toxic threat if it molds even a little bit.
Thank you for trying to help on this one.. I posted to the BYMR group and got a few of them ID'd I went ahead and added names next to the number on the ones that have been ID'd. I was really hoping to get something bunny safe out of these but it's looking like most if not all are no goes.

#1 is not Virginia Copperleaf. I'm actually leaning towards hairy nightshade but the leaves in the images I'm seeing of the nightshade are jagged. I think I will have to see if it blooms to know for sure. Sap is clear.
#2 Might be sweet clover. Thanks for that. It does look similar. I'm going to go out and look at it again before I say it's a good ID. I have a rabbit escape the other day (I didn't latch the cageI guess) and she did nibble on the young plants that were close to the ground. I did finally catch her.
#8 isn't marestail although it looks very similar. I have marestail and this plant has wider and longer leaves. I should get a photo of the two side by side.
#9 I do think this and #10 are both types of sedge. We have a third type around here also lol. There is a bit of marshy area in front of the house and they love it.
LPH_NY":3g8baabk said:
If you don't have luck with BYMR, you might try this group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/planteducation/ You have to request to join, but they are super helpful and almost everything I've posted in that group in the past was successfully ID'ed.

I saw people giving some of the silliest answers on BYMR. :roll:

I wish people who had no clue what the plants are would just :shutup: instead of hazarding a random guess phrased (perhaps unintentionally?) like they actually know what it is...

Inaccurate identification can be downright dangerous.
Oh, hey, I recognize these pics! :p

I've not been on RT much lately, so I'm not sure whether you posted this before or after BYMR. (I'm the one who suggested you make a new album).

I would still be interested to see #6 and #8 closer.

And yes, you always get answers ALL OVER THE BOARD on facebook, no matter what the group is. :roll:

Even if I can provide the plant family, Latin name, common name AND the reasons why it is what it is, people still come along and keep insisting it is something else. It can be maddening sometimes..... :eek:verreaction:

__________ Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:43 pm __________

Oh, and I'm still pretty sure #2 is just plain ole' Sericea lespedeza, and the second #2 image is a different plant, possibly Korean lespedeza. A closer pic of this second pic would help confirm this.