Weaning.. is this ok?

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2012
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I've got 7 satin kits that are about 5 weeks old. I just rebred mama yesterday and I'd like for her to have a good rest during this pregnancy so I'm planning on starting the weaning process today.

If I take out 3 or 4 kits today (I was planning on moving the larger ones to the grow out pen) would tomorrow be too soon to take the remaining ones? I'm not sure how far I should space this out. I want them to be able to snuggle together though because we just got a cold front and it's not super cold at night but colder than it has been.
I would personally take 2 out every other day, giving it a span of 1 week weaning. To fast and she'll get mastitis which will defeat the whole purpose that you say you're weaning for - rest.
i would just move her to a new cage and leave the babies where they are. I don't move one or two out at a time. Never have. The most I do if it's a big litter is move all the girls and their mom to a new cage (at four weeks). Then I move the mom a week later.