Water founts---

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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
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well, before I wound up in the hospital and nursing homes a little over a year ago (time flies)I had ordered some founts to try--hoping to see if I could integrate them into a self watering system. These founts fit pop bottles--So I decided to try them today--
Sadly, unless I can find a way to hold the bottles real still-- they are currently a bust for rabbits-- the bottle sits on the fount top, which is very narrow-- All four bottles -- the rabbits had pulled on the fount and pulled it off the bottle. I have a 'design' in my head, so I can possibly build something to hold the bottles, and prevent bunnies from dismantling the set up- but what I thought would be a great way to keep larger amounts of water available to the bunnies in a way that they could drink deeply, has been thwarted--
the use of the founts would have addressed several problems--easy to get at water for kits and adults, small enough no kit could possibly drown, water stays clean-like in a regular water bottle, Pop bottles are inexpensive and can be frozen more readily without fear of cracking. Fount fits small and large bottles- so good for travel cages when not moving, as well as for full sized cages at home.
Large outdoor fountains and water bodies to browse our selection. We are proud to have been selected from the springs of great quality, and ensure that you receive exactly what you're looking to try to! We are an excellent selection of wall water fountains, fiberglass, copper, cast stone is made of, or our exclusive sandstone has finished.
The Stromberg chick water fount for pop bottles. The fount fits 12, 20, I litre and 2 litre bottles with no problem-- Sadly, the whole thing needs to beIN the cage, and active bunnies just don't want to leave things alone!!!

Have you fastened the 2 liter to anything? I'd just use cable/zip ties to keep it against the side of the cage and with the weight it should be enough to keep the bottom attached if they can't move it.
The alrger the bottle, the more tying up it would need-- I am not sure, at this point, If I can handle, physically, the work of refilling the bottles unless I find a way to get them snug without the use of springs-- iwant tobuild a 'box' like Isaw in someones large aviary, it holds the bottles, and lets just a small portion of the fount stick out for their finches to drink from...If I do that, there would not be any way for the rabbits to remove the fount from the bottle-- Iam not scrapping the ide-- just need to work it a bit more...
That's a really neat fount! I like that one.

I don't have any experience with using these with rabbits, but I do have an issue with my rats tearing up anything plastic in their cages. My solution was to build a small cage out of hardware cloth (1/2" x 1/2") that the water bottles slide down into from outside of the cages. The sipper part sticks out into the cage from a small hole I cut for it to fit through. The rats can reach the water to get a drink, but cannot get the the bottle to knock it around or chew it.

Would something like that work for these?
Frosted Rabbits, this isn't a very good picture, but I know that you can mount these type of waterers on the outside of the cage. I stole this picture from the quail section of the backyard chickens forum, if you poke around on there you may get some ideas for mounting these type of waterers on the outside.

And to the OP, there are also attatchments for pop bottles shaped just like this made out of aluminum--might be better for a chewer.
I Bought the plastic cuz i wanted to try them before investing in the metal!!! And the things weren't chewed-- but rather, pulled off the bottles and thrown around!!!

previously,I Had no luck in trying them from the outside of the cages-- but perhaps I can try again, cuz really, it answers a lot of issues !!!
I've seen founts like that with stoneware or porcelain spouts. I'm sorry, I don't know who has them for sale. Stoneware is sturdy and not something a rabbit likes to chew on. Ceramic is also easier to keep clean. It doesn't get scratched so there is less place for germs to hide and you can drop them in boiling water or chlorine to sterilize them.<br /><br />__________ Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:23 am __________<br /><br />eco2pia I really like that idea of the wire trays running along the front of your cages. What a handy place to set things down for a minute while your hands are full. Unfortunately, knowing my packrat habits I'd have them full of clutter in no time.
oh, those aren't my cages--I just stole the pic off of the backyard chickens website...:oops: I knew I remembered seeing the bottles mounted outside the cages and was trying to be helpful, but then later I realized this isn't the thread with the chewing doe and I got confused...lol. I am in too big of a rush entirely these days. I really should have posted a link back to the original poster of the photo to give credit...shame on me.

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