waiting on big betty

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2014
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i bred an 8 mon old nzw for the first time, to my rex, she was covered 3 times and seemed to do all the things people describe of a pregnant doe.

my question is shouldn't i be able to feel them in her at day 29? i tried palpating since she was just over 2 weeks. nothing. but she's not pooping in her nest box so i'm happy.
palpating is an art, I have a couple does I can always tell early and a few that are "baby hiders" and I just have to let them go the distance. You *should* be able to feel something but squishy rabbit guts and babies can feel oddly similar.

Just because you had a successful breeding doesn't automatically equal kits though. Hope you have a nestbox full soon!
guess she wasn't pregnant, day 31 no babies.
keeping her nest box in just in case.
gonna try her again when i breed my other doe.
Don't give up yet. I had a small doe that had hers on the 31st and usually my small does have them earlier than that and since yours is bigger she may just be waiting a little bit longer.
thanks fingers crossed.
she'll get another try if it doesn't work out.

last year i foolishly tried to breed an unwanted pet doe( she was too old(3 yrs) never bred before) and she had stillbirths on the 36th day both times i tried. so I'm going to leave the nest box in till that day at least.

I have a california/nzw doe, born dec, almost ready to give her a try.