using type of blowers

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Does a pet person need a blower? Not really, do you need one to show? Absolutely. Will a pet owner benefit from a blower dryer? Absolutely! With my blower, I can groom all my rabbits in an hours time. I still have to put in time when they molt, as obviously they'll need to be plucked or sheared but it is a lot less time consuming when the coat has been maintained with a blower. I currently have a 15 year old Metro, I am saving up for a K9 dryer, and probably a 2nd one to take to shows. They will last absolutely forever providing you don't drop them, or do anything really dumb. They also have a good resale value.
Power baby.

Also, Metros are known to be very loud and noisy

Another feature is a variable speed option so you can use it for any coat type or level of wetness (not relevant to angoras unles you bathe them) but if you want to use it on your other pets it makes sense.
Dood pretty much nailed it. I used K9 dryer when I groomed dogs, and loved them. I sold my K9 3 when I got out, and have been telling myself that I don't need THAT much power for the Angoras. My old metro is trustworthy and LOUD and the K9s are stronger. I've looked the Kool Drys as well, but I trust the K9 dryers more.
Yes, I keep telling myself that I will get a K9 when I start showing more seriously (get a better job to afford it). The canister vac is loud. I still have one shepherd who won't get near me when it's on.

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