Update on the Kits from the doe lost

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
Back a bit ago I mentioned a doe that I suspected cracked a front leg bone based on bruising and area of swelling. She had a large litter of 17-18 day old kits orphaned.

I gave oatmeal, probiotics, tons of hay and pellets.

Three of them scared me off and on and I pulled each of them for 3-5 days each time they scared me, thought for sure I'd lose the runt, last time I pulled the runt I left her out for a week and she started to grow so put her back in and she's big enough now to hold her own. Each one that scared me got extra probiotics and time by themselves. But I moved them to a grower cage four days ago and I was just sitting watching them tonight and they are looking like they will all make it. :)

They all have fatter tummies than I like to see as I find that's indicative of impending entretis issues, but so far... KNOCK ON WOOD, they are doing okay. I currently never skip a day in giving them actual hay (not hay cubes) but they are down to getting oatmeal every three days now. In another couple of weeks I'll evaluate them and pull the two does I think are best and put them by themselves. But I'll only be keeping one of them. I won't be offering any for resale until they are looking like sleek growers because then I won't be concerned any longer.

Merry Christmas all!