Two new litters...

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
So hubby and I went away for two days...came back to one new litter of 8!!! and one grumpy doe looking for straw I had given her TONS before I left as she's a grumpy lass when hormonal but silly thing ATE IT ALL!!!

When I went out just before supper grumpy momma gave me four kits.

Both are harlequin litters. one a first time momma, the other an experienced girl. Trying with the experienced girl to counteract her hormonal nastiness with Jack perpetual "pet me" attitude. Her Random kits turned out well but are a bit on the 'grumpy' end of the stick and I'd rather not breed the grumpy end of the stick when hormonal. NOW... when she's NOT hormonal, easy to handle, easy to work with doe. AND her kits are like that as well...but I just don't having to wear thick gloves to check on kits or risk a finger when it's breeding time....